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Bradford Doctor in Philosophy graduate wins silver medals at the Taekwondo World Championships


Dr Robert Mcgee, Phd in Philosophy graduate 2000, recently won three silver medals at the American Taekwondo Association (ATA) World Traditional Taekwondo Union Championships, at the age of 68.

Robert attained a black belt from the ATA in 2014 and achieved the silver medals at the ATA World Traditional Taekwondo Union World Championships held in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA in July 2015. This is not the first time Robert has been amongst the medals having won five gold, one silver, and two bronze medals at the same tournament held in 2014.

Robert, who is Associate Professor at Fayetteville State University, is also an author and has published 58 books including his best-selling novel Justifiable Homicide: A Political Thriller. In addition to writing fiction Robert has published over 600 articles and papers on Accounting, Economics and Social Sciences. He believes his remarkable output and achievements are a result of "loving what you do".

"It has been a fun ride", says Robert. "The secret of my success is that I love what I am doing. I treat my scholarly work as a hobby. That's why my output is above average (in terms of quantity, at least). I have no desire to stop once I have met my university's minimum publication requirement.
Now that I am also writing fiction, the same thing applies. I love what I am doing, and there's a lot I want to say, so I have decided to express my philosophy in the form of novels and novelettes."