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Royal Pharmaceutical Society Award for Pharmacy graduate


Congratulations to Diane Ashiru-Oredope, Bradford MPharm graduate of 2003 who has been named RPS Public Health Pharmacist of the Year 2015.

Diane works for Public Health England and set up Antibiotic Guardians, a national campaign to raise awareness about the risks of antimicrobial resistance and to change behaviours around antibiotic use. The campaign encouraged healthcare professionals and members of the public to make a pledge to be an antibiotic guardian. By August 2015, the campaign had garnered more than 13,000 pledges.

Diane says: "I remember I was very happy at Bradford. I am still very glad and proud I went to Bradford. I made lifelong friends at Bradford and now our children all play together and are close."

"I am grateful for the opportunities I had at Bradford including summer research placement with Dr Liz Kelly and the lecturers who inspired me. I remember I was also very inspired and in awe by the fact that a woman - Professor Brenda Costall was the Head of Department."