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Have your staff got the x-factor?


The University of Bradford is helping businesses develop their star employees with the creation of new MBA apprenticeship scheme.

The apprenticeship is designed to give staff the leadership capabilities for transformational change and prepare managers for strategic roles within an organisation.

Companies who pay into the apprenticeship levy can fund the MBA through their service account and provide an exciting and one-off opportunity to help someone achieve their full potential.

The Senior Leaders Manager’s Degree incorporates a Management project which is based on a problem, issue, challenge or opportunity in an organisation.

Dr Craig Johnson, Director of MBA Studies at the University of Bradford, explains: “This is a great opportunity for employers to nurture potential and turn their top staff into leaders of the future. We have been delivering our MBA for the last 44 years and are proud to say that it has been ranked as the 3rd in the UK and 14th in the World.

“I urge any business interested in working with the University to provide apprenticeships to get in touch and see how the partnership could work.”

Learning takes place in the shape of weekend teaching and online modules and apprentices will be required to submit a work-based portfolio.

According to the Financial Times Distance Learning MBA ranking 2018 Bradford’s Distance Learning MBA is 1st in the world for value for money, 1st in the UK for salary increase and in the top 5 in the world for career progress.
