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Bradford Manufacturing Week


The University of Bradford are sponsoring the first ever Bradford Manufacturing Week taking place in October 2018 which aims to attract young people into the manufacturing industry and encourage inward investment into Bradford.

Bradford Manufacturing Week (8th – 12th October 2018) is a unique campaign to highlight the strength of our district’s manufacturing might, to attract young people into the industry and encourage inward investment into Bradford. The University are very much behind this event as an organiser and sponsor. It aims to:

  • Deliver 1000 work experience days during the week for youngsters
  • Showcase products that Bradford creates and industries that Bradford facilitates
  • Attract young people into Bradford’s manufacturing businesses
  • Increase take up of apprenticeships
  • Increase productivity of our district by encouraging young talent
  • Contribute further to the GDP of the Northern Powerhouse

BMW are keen to ensure that as many Bradford businesses as possible are not only aware of this campaign but have the opportunity to engage, either through sponsorship or by getting involved with the diary of events running up to and during the week. Below is an initial outline of what the week will comprise:

  • Work experience days
  • Magical industry tours
  • Student workshops including CV writing / creating a good impression
  • Apprenticeship seminars – what, where, how?
  • Job forums
  • Manufacturer peer workshops including exporting, health & safety, early outcomes of GDPR

BMW would be delighted to work in partnership with you to support and showcase the strength and diversity of our district’s innovative and inspiring manufacturers. By working together we have a fantastic opportunity to put Bradford’s manufacturing strength on the regional, national and international map.

If you would like to sponsor or register your interest in attending or hosting any of the proposed elements of Bradford Manufacturing Week, please visit the BMW Website.