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University shortlisted for prestigious education award


The University of Bradford has been shortlisted in the Times Higher Education annual awards for the Most Improved Student Experience.

THE Awards shortlisted 2014 Now in their tenth year, the Times Higher Education Awards celebrate the extraordinary things that are going on in universities and colleges, day in, day out.

This award, which is chosen by independent marketing company YouthSight, calculates the most improved student experience, based on changes over the last year in overall scores and rankings of their experience by students.

This category is not judged, but is instead based on results of a survey of more than 20,000 students at institutions across the country. The survey rates the academic reputation, teaching, social life and facilities of the institutions.

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Brian Cantor said: "We are extremely pleased to be shortlisted for this award. We pride ourselves on our students' experience and work hard each year to make sure that we provide an excellent environment and outstanding support, both academically and socially.

"In particular we support our new students, for whom starting university can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. For example, our Room 101 Social Learning initiative has had a major impact on helping students to become fully involved with the University.

"What is especially pleasing is that our students are recognising the work we are doing to support them, which is reflected in the university being shortlisted for this award."

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching, Professor Shirley Congdon said: "I am delighted that our students value the recent improvements to their experience at the University of Bradford.

"Through strong and sustained partnership working with students we have responded to the needs of our diverse student body providing personalised approaches to learning, employability, student support and life on campus.

"I would like to acknowledge our staff and students who have so worked hard to implement our Learning and Teaching Enhancement Plan that is providing targeted enhancements to the student experience."

The winners will be announced on Thursday 27 November 2014.