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Silver screen goes green


Members of the public are being invited to join students and staff for the University of Bradford's first Environmental Film Festival.

They will be able to enjoy free showings of five high profile films, all of which carry an environmental message or highlight an environmental issue.

The festival begins on Monday September 22 and features a film each evening, ending on Friday September 26.

The line-up is:

Monday - An Inconvenient Truth
Tuesday - Silent Running
Wednesday - Happy Feet
Thursday - Food Inc
Friday - Erin Brockovich

All screenings are at 7pm at the Student Central cinema at the University’s campus. Each film will feature a guest speaker who will highlight the environmental issues covered by the films.

Georgia Wood, Engagement Officer for Estates and Facilities, said: "With Bradford being the world’s first UNESCO City of Film and the University being recognised as a world leader in environmental sustainability, we felt this was a great opportunity to celebrate both accolades."

Zekarias Haileselassie, UBU (students’ union) Environment and Welfare sabbatical officer, added: "Our ambition is to develop this as an annual festival for the University, the city and the wider area. There are many great films dealing with environmental issues and we would love to see the festival become an established part of Bradford’s calendar, providing both entertainment and encouraging thought and debate."

To book tickets for the films, please contact Georgia Wood on 01274 233493 or book online.

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