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University of Bradford and Philips Bring leading Digital Pathology Research and Training to Students


The University of Bradford has announced a partnership with leading healthcare company Philips to develop a digital pathology research and teaching capability, one of the first among UK universities.

The University of Bradford has announced a partnership with leading healthcare company Philips to develop a digital pathology research and teaching capability, one of the first among UK universities.

The Philips Ultrafast scanner and image management system has been installed in the Faculty of Life Sciences and is part of the developing Digital Health Zone at the University.

Called Bradford Pathology, the facility will provide education and training in the design and delivery of diagnostic histopathology – the examination of prepared biopsies or specimens. It will contribute to undergraduate programmes, ensuring Bradford graduates are fully prepared for the technology-rich modern laboratory.

It will also support a newly-developed post graduate programme (MSc Cellular Pathology Laboratory Practice) that focuses on digital pathology as a diagnostic and international collaboration tool. The programme also makes use of video conferencing to allow clinical case review at international level and enable multi-disciplinary team meetings.

The digital pathology facility will also support the Faculty’s Simulation Theatre, an innovative learning space that features a human patient simulator and equipment that demonstrates human anatomy and macroscopic pathology. The equipment together will support teaching of virtual histopathology using scanned digital images of pathological specimens.

Dr Samar Betmouni, Director of Clinical Pathology at the University, said: “The University is committed to providing our students with the most advanced education, preparing them for working in the modern lab and developing better understanding of the processes that will speed up the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare.

“Bradford Pathology views this digital implementation as an opportunity to provide students with the practical training necessary to become leaders in their field and to drive successful adoption of digital solutions across healthcare.”

Perry van Rijsingen, CEO of Philips Healthcare Incubator, added: “The move toward digitization across healthcare is not only happening rapidly, but is a critical step forward in improving care. Within the field of pathology it can mean faster, more confident patient diagnoses. By providing training on digital solutions, Bradford Pathology is empowering the next-generation workforce to support and encourage this transition.”