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Students Share Their First University Experiences with a 'Big Move' Video


Four first-year students from the University of Bradford have shared their own story about leaving home for the first time. Their story, which they filmed over the summer, documents their thoughts and feelings as it follows them moving from home in to student accommodation at the University.

‘The Big Move’ is a video diary of their experience of coming to and starting study at Bradford. This included deciding what to bring with them, leaving their friends and family, meeting their new flatmates and beginning the next stage of their life, at Bradford.

The four students, Cassandra Ise from Liverpool, Claire McCracken from Northern Ireland, Nicholas Bates from North Yorkshire, and Zainab Lawal-Owonifari from London entered a University competition over the summer by sending in a short video diary about how they thought the experience would be for them. The winners were then sent a handheld video camera as a prize and asked to film their experiences.

The result is both a funny and moving account of that first move away from home that the University of Bradford hopes will help future students as they contemplate starting their University career.

Head of Communications at the University of Bradford, Emma Bridge, said: “Moving away from home for the first time can be a daunting experience for students. This video gives a first-hand account of what it is like as it happens.

“It appeals to both prospective students and their parents and because the content is created by the students themselves it means you get an honest, balanced view of both nerves and excitement.”

Use #BigMove to share your experiences of moving to University.