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Student shaves head for charity


A University of Bradford student will shave her head to raise money for the charity Young Minds

A University of Bradford student will shave her head for charity on Wednesday February 19.

Rosie Ellingham will take the clippers to her hair at 2pm in the Student’s Union to raise money for the charity Young Minds and two other local charities.

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

Rosie said: “I have chosen to raise money for Young Minds for several reasons. I'm choosing to shave my head in particular for this cause as a common response to this is that I must be 'mental' to do this. The phrase ‘mental’ gives off a very negative connotation to young people and I really want to encourage a more positive view on the way we see mental health.

“But mainly it is because young people's mental health is so often affected by the desire to look a certain way, a way in which society promotes as acceptable. I want to blast these societal norms of the way we should look, and encourage diversity and individuality.”

All online donations will be going to Young Minds ( and any donations received on the day will go towards this year’s RAG charities, which are the Bradford Crocus Cancer Appeal and Bradford Disability Sports and Leisure.

To donate visit