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Bradford Student Midwife Commended by Cavell Nurses' Trust


A Bradford Student Midwife will be commended by Cavell Nurses Trust for Outstanding Academic Achievement.

A Bradford Student Midwife will be commended by Cavell Nurses’ Trust for Outstanding Academic Achievement

University of Bradford student, Sarah Broadhead-Crofts, will be honoured for outstanding academic achievement by the Cavell Nurses’ Trust at a London ceremony on the 19 March 2014.

Jane Cummings, England’s Chief Nursing Officer, will present the final year midwifery student with a Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Academic Achievement. Sarah will be recognised for her exemplary performance on her BSc (Hons) Midwifery programme and her exceptional application and interview for the award.

Mature student Sarah began her midwifery studies three years ago, following a successful career in the financial services industry. Her husband Richard also studies at Bradford University and is training to be a mental health nurse.

“I have always been passionate about midwifery and have strived to better myself throughout my course, by improving my knowledge and advancing my practice,” says Sarah. “I’ve continued to develop my communication and interpersonal skills, and have received some excellent feedback from my course tutors, practice mentors, midwives, and crucially the women and families I care for.”

Throughout her studies Sarah has excelled in her academic work, consistently achieving high grades and inspiring fellow students through her leadership and strong interpersonal skills. She has also taken every opportunity to engage in additional activities outside the scope of her academic programme, attending and presenting at a wide range of conferences.

She recently presented at the official opening of the Airedale NHS Foundation Trust Midwifery Led Care Unit, delivering the opening presentation on birth environment and its impact on labour and birth. speaking prior to Professor Cathy Warwick, General Secretary of the Royal College of Midwives. “Sarah really embraced this challenge with confidence and delivered an excellent, well thought out presentation which was received exceptionally well,” commented Julie Hinchcliffe, Senior Matron of Midwifery at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust.

Julia Pansini-Murrell, Head of the Division of Midwifery at the University of Bradford, added: “I am extremely proud of Sarah’s outstanding achievement and the fact that she has been recognised for all her hard work and determination. I am sure that she will develop a very successful career as a midwife after graduation.”