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Four students walking through the Green student village together

Unlocking the key to lifelong connections: making friends at university
Bradford Life Blog

Making friends at university can be an exciting, yet at times, challenging venture. Business and Management student, Hamza gives us tips and advice on how to make friends at university.

The university journey is an adventure full of new experiences and opportunities for personal growth. One of the most significant aspects of this journey is the chance to make lifelong friendships. As you step into the vibrant world of university life, you'll face a diverse community of individuals, each with their unique backgrounds and interests. 
In this blog, I'll explore the art of building meaningful connections with fellow students. I'll give you practical tips and advice to help you navigate the social landscape and foster friendships that will enrich your university experience and beyond.
So, without further delay, let's embark on this journey together, unlocking the secrets to forming lasting bonds and creating memories that last a lifetime.

Body language

First impressions are important.

Being inviting with a smile, maintaining eye contact, and demonstrating an upbeat demeanor are crucial characteristics to establishing new friends. People are more likely to start up a discussion with you if they believe you are approachable and will become your friend as a result.

Induction week

Induction week is there to assist students in adjusting to university life.

Induction events, group activities, and taking part in introductory exercises provide wonderful opportunities to meet other students who are looking to make new friends.

Bhangra performers surrounded by a crowd of students in the atrium

Comfort zone

Making new friends means moving outside of your comfort zone.

Avoid being afraid to start discussions or invite others to social occasions or activities. Also, being open to trying new things and joining social occasions outside of your comfort zone might help you meet new people. Furthermore, welcoming diversity and grasping every chance to get to know people from other cultures and backgrounds may lead to the establishment of connections and a bigger network of friendships.

Study abroad

The University of Bradford provides study abroad opportunities, where you are able to spend a semester in another country.

During your time abroad, you'll come into contact with other international students in the classroom and take part in cultural exchange activities. Sharing things in common while discovering new cultures allows you to form deep friendships that span the globe.

Collaborate in tutorials, seminars, and lectures

Communicating with other students in tutorials, seminars, and lectures provides a great way to increase your network of friends and make lasting connections.

The experience can result in positive educational effects and new friendships. Making friends on your course can be particularly helpful if you miss a lecture or need help with grasping what you are learning. They might pass along their notes, give you essential details, and explain aspects you might have overlooked. Working with colleagues may additionally enhance your educational experience through fostering conversations, expressing diverse points of view, and increasing your awareness of the subject at hand.


Discover clubs or organisations that appeal to your particular interests and hobbies.

Join the art club, for example, if your passion is within art. Engaging in events and activities relating to your hobbies can allow you to connect with people who match your passions, thereby laying the groundwork towards friendships.

Students taking part in a boxing class at Unique Fitness

Take part in Peer Assisting Learning

If you're a second or third-year student, consider becoming a peer assisting learning leader for new students.

This role not only benefits you by increasing your leadership skills, but also gives you the opportunity to connect with new students and foster friendships.

Academic events and workshops

The University hosts academic events, workshops, and guest lectures on various subjects.

Attend the events that interest you to meet students who share your academic curiosity.

Member of staff talking to students in a Step Up to HE workshop

A journey of growth

In conclusion, making friends at university is a journey of growth. It's normal to feel a mixture of excitement and uncertainty as you navigate this new chapter in life. Remember, true friendships take time to flourish, and it's okay if the process feels steady. Be patient with yourself and others and remain open to new experiences and connections.

I'm here to reassure you that forming friendships at university is a genuine and rewarding process. Just like you, I've been on this journey, and I understand the enthusiasm and challenges that come with making friends in a new environment.

Embrace the diversity and intensity of university life, seek out shared interests, and step out of your comfort zone with confidence. Friendships often flourish when we least expect them, so stay flexible, kind, and genuine, and you'll find your community in due time.
Remember, every individual you meet has their own story, dreams, and aspirations, making each friendship a unique and inspirational experience.

So, take a deep breath, embrace the adventure, and trust that the friendships you form at university will be some of the most valuable and appreciated connections of your life.