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How to prioritise your mental health at uni
Bradford Life Blog

Life as a university student can be busy so protecting your mental health is important. Saffron shares the ways she keeps moving to improve her mental health.

Hi, I'm Saffron. Welcome to my blog post about keeping moving for a positive impact on your mental health. I’ve tried pretty much most of the events, sports, and services that the University of Bradford Union of Students (UBU) runs.

In this blog, I’ll give you some tips on keeping active and what the University has to offer.

Mental health: what is it, and why is it so important?

Saffron, in the middle, standing with members of the Trampoline Society.

The mind and the body are linked

Mental health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. When our mental health is affected it can change how we think, feel, and act. It can also put a strain on our relationships with ourselves and others.

University is so busy and we can forget to check in on our mental health. We tend to know if we’re good or bad, but it’s hard to understand exactly what we feel and why. Checking in with yourself to prevent burnout is important. We can experience burnout from a number of things, whether it's from course stress, social factors, or overdoing things without adequate rest.

We know that eating the right food, drinking water, and getting enough sleep are important, but how often do we think about movement?

Our minds and bodies are connected – it’s important that no matter how rubbish we feel, we keep moving. When we exercise, it releases the 'happy hormones' and this is what can improve our mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

My top tips for how to get moving

(Even when you really don’t want to!):

  1. Grab a buddy
    Arrange a day and time that you can commit to. Having someone to go with makes it harder to cancel, and helps you feel more supported.
  2. Make it a competition
    Whether with friends, a team or by yourself, having something/someone to beat is great motivation!
  3. Try something new
    You get to meet new people, and find a sport that you might not have tried!
  4. Push your comfort zone
    Take something you do, and go a little further. Try swimming at the beach or running through the park!
  5. Routines
    Something simple like making your bed, a lunchtime walk, or going to the gym after class can be a great addition to your routine. It doesn’t have to be going for a 5k run but small habit changes can make the biggest difference.

What's available at the University?

Saffron, in the top right, with the Ice Hockey Society.

There are so many different clubs and events around the University.

Here are a few of the amazing things on offer that you can access:

There are so many different ways you can get involved and keep active. I love trips with the UBU and trying different sports. Getting out and being a part of a team helps me to blow off steam, and laugh especially during exam season!

I hope you find this blog helpful in some way or other and it encourages you to get out there, test yourself, and most importantly – have fun!

Sports clubs, societies and other activities provide students with the chance to develop, learn and get more from student life. Discover more about the University of Bradford Students' Union and how you can take part.