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Two law students in the mock courtroom.

Studying Law at Bradford
Bradford Life Blog

  • By Immar
  • Tagged under: Law

Immar is currently in his second year of LLB (Hons) Law. He talks about why he chose Bradford, his experience so far and offers advice for students considering a degree in law.

Law has always been a key element in human life, everywhere you go, the law is involved. Law is something we need as a society to function and operate in an orderly manner.

Why I picked law

In order to succeed you will need to know the relevant knowledge. I picked LLB (Hons) Law because your opinion is key, and you have to form an opinion which is something I’ve always enjoyed doing.

As someone who has a strong interest in philosophy and ethics, and studied this during A Levels, law allows me to transfer the writing and essay skills which I gained during this time. Moreover, subjects such as Tort Law and Criminal Law have always fascinated me.

Immar, an LLB Law student, taking notes during a lecture.

Skills I've gained

Studying law provides you with many skills such as negotiation, communication, advocacy and so much more. Law isn't just for those wanting to be lawyers. Studying law gives you many transferable skills which can be used in other sectors such as human resources and employment services. Therefore, it is perfect to study if you’re a little unsure of what sector you want to go into.

Why Bradford?

I picked Law at Bradford due to the amazing facilities. The Lady Hale Moot Court, introduced in January 2020, allows for the development of your advocacy skills. Moreover, I also wanted to stay at home and not commute too much therefore Bradford was the perfect pick.

A small pond surrounded by greenery.

The best thing about Law

One of the best things about the course is the people you meet. You have lectures and tutorials where you can ask questions and get to know new people. The modules are also really interesting, especially Tort Law! You'll learn about Tort Law in your 1st year and Criminal Law will be taught in your 2nd year.

The Law course constantly holds opportunities to develop your skills. You can benefit from work experience, workshops and online courses. It's a great advantage!

Also, the library has a wide range of law books available and is just amazing. There's plenty of variety, some textbooks are easier to understand whilst others are much more detailed. This is something I especially like about the Law course. You have so many facilities and resources available at your disposal.

My advice for anybody wanting to study Law

Do some pre-reading in the summer as your first year can be overwhelming. You are going to be in a new environment and maybe a little over-stimulated. but don't worry, it’s normal to feel confused with classes for the first few weeks.

However, what I would recommend before you start your studies is to just do a general read-up on the modules which you will be studying. It'll give you some insight and you will also be ahead.

Secondly, attend! Attendance is key to doing well in law. Make as many notes as you can in lectures because they will come in handy when it comes to doing assignments. Attend your classes and contribute as much as you can because every class will count.

Find out more about our Law courses and apply.