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Staff member talking to a group in a career booster session

Seven ways our Career and Employability Services can help you
Bradford Life Blog

The Career and Employability Service at Bradford is here to help you from the moment you enrol to five years after graduation. Here are some ways they can help.

If you're a student or recent graduate of the University of Bradford looking to kickstart your career, look no further! Our Career and Employability Services are here to support and guide you from day one.

The team can help you from the moment you start at Bradford, right through to securing your dream job after graduation. Here's how:

Placement help

Are you looking to gain real-world experience and put your knowledge to the test?

The team offers placement help, and connects you to local and well-known companies for valuable work experiences. Placements give you the opportunity to apply your skills, gain practical knowledge, and pave the way for a successful career ahead.

Careers advice

If you’re feeling a bit uncertain about your career direction, two words: don’t worry!

From day one when you enrol at the University of Bradford, you can fill out a “Career questionnaire”. This helps the Career and Employability Services provide personalised career guidance. Our experienced advisors can identify your strengths, interests, and career aspirations. Once you've got this knowledge, you can make well-informed decisions and set yourself on the right path.

Part-time jobs

Balancing studies and part-time work can be challenging, but rewarding.

Having a part-time job is an excellent way to enhance your employability, gain valuable skills, and even earn some extra cash. The Careers Service can find part-time job opportunities that complement your academic schedule.

Student arranging clothes in the University shop

Graduate roles

Graduating soon and wondering how to land your first graduate job?

There are a number of programmes that can guide you through each stage of the job search process such as:

  • The Bradford Graduate Internship
  • Bradford Graduate Talent
  • Handshake

These programmes can help you with finding opportunities and mastering effective interview techniques. You'll soon be well-prepared to enter the workforce with confidence.

CV building

Crafting an impressive CV is crucial in today's competitive job market.

The team offers workshops and resources to help you create a compelling CV that highlights your achievements, skills, and potential, making you stand out to employers.

Study abroad

Want to broaden your horizons and experience different cultures while studying?

The University of Bradford supports students who wish to embark on life-changing study abroad programs. Studying abroad adds a new dimension to your time at university.

You'll enhance your global perspective and gain cross-cultural communication skills. The Career and Employability Services can help you find your dream study abroad experience.

Interview support

Nervous about facing job interviews?

The service provides support to help you shine during your interviews. Gain valuable insights, practice your responses, and build the confidence needed to impress potential employers.

Interviewee in smart clothing sat at a table with two interviewers

No matter where you are on your career journey, our Career and Employability Service have the support and resources you need. Whether it's face-to-face appointments, remote video calls, or a combination of the two, the team is committed to helping you succeed. You can benefit from these services for up to five years after completing your studies.

To find out more about The Career and Employability Service at Bradford, check out our podcast: Career and Employability Services at the University of Bradford.