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Seizing the opportunity: my Clearing journey to the University of Bradford
Bradford Life Blog

  • By Alkestid Sterjo
  • Tagged under: Clearing

Alkestid secured his place at Bradford through Clearing and shares his Clearing experience and gives tips and advice for students using Clearing.

The university application process can take unexpected turns, and for me, Clearing became an unforeseen yet transformative experience. In this blog, I will share my personal journey of choosing the University of Bradford through Clearing. Despite not considering other universities, the unwavering support from my family, friends, and the staff at Bradford played a pivotal role in my decision. Alongside my experience, I will provide valuable tips for students navigating the Clearing process.

Bradford student, Alkestid stood with arms folded in front of a glass building

Why Bradford? The singular goal

From the outset, my sole focus was securing a place at the University of Bradford. The University's reputation and alignment with my academic aspirations made it my top choice. Exploring other options was never a consideration as I was determined to join Bradford's vibrant academic community. 

Discovering Clearing: A path to Bradford

While researching the university admissions process, I discovered Clearing as a potential opportunity to fulfill my dream of studying at Bradford. The UCAS website, supplemented by the University of Bradford's Clearing website, proved instrumental in gaining insights into Clearing procedures and available courses.

A red foam finger with the acronym 'UCAS' on it, with grass in the background

Support from family, friends, and Bradford staff 

Although my teachers were unable to provide support during this process, the unwavering backing from my family, friends, and the dedicated staff at Bradford served as a beacon of encouragement. Their belief in my capabilities, willingness to listen, and guidance bolstered my confidence during a time of uncertainty. 

The application journey 

My Clearing application to the University of Bradford involved direct communication with the admissions office. Their responsive and accommodating approach made the process smoother. Conversations with the knowledgeable staff allowed me to explore various course options and determine the best fit for my academic and career goals. 

Exclusive focus on Bradford 

Bradford held an unwavering appeal for me, and I did not feel compelled to consider other institutions during the Clearing process. The University's exceptional programmes, commitment to inclusivity, and the positive experiences shared by current students solidified my conviction that Bradford was the perfect match for me. 

Securing the offer

Receiving an offer was an exhilarating moment, signifying the realisation of my aspirations. To secure my place, I followed the instructions provided by the admissions office. This involved accepting the offer online and promptly submitting any required documentation, such as exam results or qualifications. 

Tips for students navigating Clearing 

  • Identify your preferred university and course, enabling you to direct your efforts accordingly. 
  • Seek guidance and encouragement from family, friends, and university staff, who can provide valuable insights and assistance throughout the process. 
  • Stay committed to your choice, if you have a strong conviction about a particular university, prioritise your efforts accordingly, rather than feeling compelled to consider other institutions. 
  • Communicate effectively. When contacting the university admissions office, be prepared with your UCAS ID, exam results, and personal statement to ensure a smooth and productive conversation. 
  • Maintain organisation, keep track of important dates, deadlines, and contact information for the University of Bradford, ensuring you don't miss any crucial steps. 
  • Trust your instincts! If the University of Bradford resonates with your aspirations and values, trust your intuition, and pursue this opportunity with determination.

Alkestid smiling at the camera while using a computer

Navigating Clearing can be a unique and transformative experience. For me, choosing the University of Bradford through Clearing was an opportunity I wholeheartedly embraced.

My focus on Bradford, coupled with the support of my family, friends, and the dedicated staff at the university, enabled me to secure a place that aligned perfectly with my academic goals. Remember, during the Clearing process, staying true to your aspirations and seeking support from those who believe in you can lead to extraordinary outcomes.