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How I made friends at university
Bradford Life Blog

  • By Horhorli

For many students, starting university means leaving behind familiar faces and entering a completely new environment. Horhorli tells us about how she took on this new challenge and made lifelong friends along the way.

Starting university can be an exciting yet daunting experience. Among all the academic challenges and newfound independence, making friends is a crucial aspect of my university journey. There are numerous opportunities to connect with people who can become lifelong friends.

In this blog, I will explore different approaches to making friends on campus and share my personal experiences and tips along the way.

Horhorli with friends posing in front of a castle.

Orientation programmes

I actually met most of my coursemates during our course orientation programme. During each day of the orientation programme, I would sit beside anyone and start a conversation with them. After we exchanged contact details, we started studying together, going shopping together as well as exploring other cities.

Fellowships and organisations

Joining fellowships or organisations aligned with my passions and interests was one of the ways I made friends at university.

I worship at First Love Church which is about a 10-minute walk from my accommodation. I met some people who were studying my programme and they gave me a few facts I needed to know about my course.

I also joined PENSA Bradford (Pentecost Students & Associates), which is a Christian society. We meet on Wednesdays and I get to meet lovely Christian friends who have helped me develop and grow my spiritual life. We engage in other activities too!

Horhorli at Fresher's Fayre, standing in front of the 'First Love' Society banner.


Participating in intramural sports or recreational activities gave me the opportunity to bond with fellow students over a shared love for fitness and competition. 

Student accommodation

I’ve made friends with my neighbours in my student accommodation. Living in the same building means we get to cook, watch movies, and even study together. The convenience of having friends nearby has been a significant advantage.

Tips for making friends

Horhorli in a classroom, posing with friends.

Be approachable

Smile, make eye contact, and be open to conversations. Small gestures go a long way.

Join clubs

Explore your interests and passions by joining clubs and societies. This is a natural way to meet people who share your enthusiasm.

Attend campus events

Don’t skip orientation programmes, workshops, or events. These are excellent opportunities to connect.

Study groups

Forming or joining study groups can help you build connections with your peers who share your academic journey.

Be yourself

Authenticity is key to forming lasting friendships. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; your genuine self is what people will connect with.

Making friends at university is an essential part of the journey, and it can greatly enrich your experience. Whether you’re living at home or in student accommodation, actively participating in campus life, joining clubs, and being open to new experiences are key to building meaningful connections. Remember, the friends you make during your university years can become your support system, your partners in exploration, and your companions in the adventure of a lifetime.