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A student fitting an assistive splint onto another student's arm.

How did I decide to study Occupational Therapy?
Bradford Life Blog

Zaynab is currently studying BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy here at Bradford. She shares her experience so far and her favourite things about the course.

Hey everyone! My name is Zaynab, and I’m currently in my second year of BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy at the University of Bradford.

How did I decide to study occupational therapy?

Post-lockdown, like many of my peers, I was unsure of where I wanted to go with my further studies.

I’ve always been someone who loves assisting people around me in any way. However, I knew I didn’t have an interest in healthcare courses like nursing, dentistry, or medicine. Then I came across occupational therapy and something clicked.

You could say initially I went into the course blindly, only knowing that I’d be ‘helping people’. But I thought to trust the process and have faith while submitting my UCAS application and thankfully, I haven’t looked back since!

What are your favourite things about the course?

I can’t pick one single favourite so here are two:

The range of assessment methods

Rather than having exams twice a year, we have various methods of being examined such as presentations, assignments, and group work. This is pure bliss in my opinion - when everyone else is stressed, I don’t have that worry.


Alongside the theory aspect, we’re also able to experience the hands-on aspect of the course by working as an occupational therapist. The placements could be in an inpatient or community setting, working in both physical and mental health settings. I look forward to my placement all year round as it gives you a real feel for what you’re working towards!

Zaynab in uniform in a ward.

After graduating, what do you hope to do with your degree?

Initially, before having practical experience, I was set on working in the paediatrics discipline. This idea came from my personal experience of coming from a family that fosters children. I really enjoy looking after children and being able to put a smile on their faces.

However, after being able to work in A&E, as well as the rehabilitation wards – I’ve definitely concluded that I would love to work in an inpatient setting. An inpatient mental health setting is where my interest lies as of now, so I hope I can take that further once graduating!

A mural of rainbow handprints on a wall.

Be of help to those who need it

Ultimately, as an occupational therapist, you’re always striving towards being a facilitator in the betterment of patients, service users and families' lives. As a Muslim, this aligns with my beliefs and values very closely as it is what the prophet Muhammad taught and emphasised too: to be of help to those who need it.

Being on placement with the elderly has been a huge motivator for me. Knowing that I have the chance to make a patient smile and interact with them when they need it most has certainly firmed my decision to stay on the course. It makes me realise how fortunate I am, and what positive difference I can make to the world – so why not take that chance in life?

If you’re considering working professionally with a holistic, thoughtful, and innovative approach, then BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy is certainly something you should look into!