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This is computing

using technology to solve problems

Computing is the driving force behind nearly all we see and do in modern society, from our banking apps to the cars we drive. 

Learn how to harness computational power to solve real-world problems in Computing. Not studied IT before? These accessible courses will give you all the tools to succeed. 

By the end of these courses, you’ll be able to use practical skills to design and develop the software tools of tomorrow. 

Progress into roles including software engineer, system administrator, data scientist, app developer, IT consultant, financial analyst and many more.

BCS accredited degree logoNSCS cyber security provisional accreditation logo

Courses in this subject

We have 12 courses in this area.

Our facilities

The main programming language used in this lab is Java, which supports object orientation, graphical user interfaces, concurrency, and networking. You'll also study languages such as C#, C++, Python, and Ruby.

Meet our students and alumni

This is where I code my future

"While I was studying, I collaborated with a lot of companies such as people coming in as part of a module to show us how the industry works. They also offer work opportunities, in terms of placement, and internships. We can apply computer science anywhere."

Marko, BSc (Hons) Computer Science

This is where I create solutions to help people

"What I enjoyed about coming to Bradford is meeting new people, be it peers or teachers who have different ways of thinking and make me approach the problems that I encounter in different ways."

Jakub, BSc (Hons) Software Engineering

Where Computing can take you

There will be no shortage of demand for computing graduates, as the discipline is integral to almost every aspect of global society. Recent University of Bradford graduates have gone on to work for companies including IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Rolls Royce and the BBC.

Potential roles include:

  • Software developer
  • Database administrator
  • Network architect
  • Cybersecurity analyst
  • IT consultant
  • Games programmer
A computer science student sat behind a computer.

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This is Bradford

You can become the very best version of yourself at the University of Bradford.
It’s a place where amazing things happen.

This is where you’ll expand your mind and make lifelong friends.
This is where you’ll grow, learn, experience.

This is a place you can belong.

And we’ll support you every step of the way.