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Joe, an undergraduate student in Management and Business Analytics in the Richmond building


BSc (Hons) Management and Business Analytics 

Exemplary student Joe always had an interest in programming and computers. After looking into different career options when researching university courses, he had the foresight to realise that data science was a booming area, and one that would play to his natural interests and skillsets.

He applied, successfully, for the Management and Business Analytics degree at Bradford in 2019. Taking a year out in 2023 for medical reasons, Joe has now returned in 2024 to complete his degree.

This is his story.

Not many other universities offered a course that focused on analytics.

Businesses need this expertise

"I just knew it was an area of expertise that so many businesses need now, or most certainly will in the future."

"Data is only going to become more important, and because I enjoy computer science, maths and economics, this course seemed ideal for me.

"I’ve always had that kind of brain, which initially made me think I wanted to go into programming.

"I then realised consultancy in analytics and data science was better for me and this course was broader and more rounded in terms of the skills and knowledge it would give me.

"My dad went to the University of Bradford and loved it, so that was partially what made me choose it, too."


I think this course is unlike any other.

Innovative teaching

"The teaching techniques make this course stand out."

"There’s such a mix of learning, and you get to work with real data which helps put theory into practice.

"You get to work a lot in teams on group projects, similar to what you’d expect a business to work like, so you get a head start with people skills, teamworking, leadership and presentations.



"It’s not traditional assignments and exams.

"I find it's more like 50/50 between assignments and group work and very much focused on preparing me for working in the corporate world."

Standing out

“I secured six months work experience at IBM.”

"Last year I was lucky enough to get a six-month placement as an operations analyst at IBM.

"It was an eye-opening experience working in a big corporate company like that, and I learnt a lot of best practices on the job.

"The knowledge from my course gave me a great boost-up for the role.

"I've tried to stand out by engaging a lot with my lecturers and other students, and always putting myself forward for learning opportunities.

"I’ve also worked as a student ambassador for the University, chatting to prospective students at Open Days."

Joe, an undergraduate student in Management and Business Analytics in the Richmond building

The course is fantastic and I’d recommend the University of Bradford experience to anyone.

Analytics as a specialism

“There are so many data streams in this modern world - you need someone to organise the data and turn it into something of use to drive business growth.” 

"Analytics is a definite career interest of mine and I feel the course has given me the skills to make a mark in this specialism.

"I’ve also enjoyed learning more about programming and machine learning in my final year, working on a project where I’ve had to code my own AI system to figure out whether product reviews were positive or negative.

"That was a really cool insight into how you build AI systems.

"I’m now planning to extend my knowledge further in this area by applying for an MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics at Bradford."

Data hackathon

“I’m enjoying my final year on the course - I won a data hackathon.”

"Recently I was selected to take part in a competitive hackathon, where students from the University of Bradford and Manchester Metropolitan came together to compete on a brief where we had to come up with an AI-related product that decreases employment bias.

"My team pivoted towards an AI product that could provide training for people who perhaps hadn’t had much experience of work interviews. The business leaders we pitched to loved our idea, and we won the hackathon.

"It was a great experience that played to my entrepreneurial mind, and now I’d love to take this idea forward as a potential business of my own."

Joe, an undergraduate student in Management and Business Analytics in the Richmond building

I feel like I’ve really come out of my shell during uni. It’s helped me to be more confident, and the support is fantastic at Bradford.

Support at Bradford

"Coming back after a year off could have felt quite tough, meeting a whole new cohort of students and essentially starting all over again."

"But the support I received from the university has, as always, been fantastic.

"You’ve also got access to really good facilities, training workshops, a brilliant library and Unique Fitness, the on-campus gym."