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Dr. Xiangli Liu

Information about Dr. Xiangli Liu at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Xiangli Liu


I have been lecturing in pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Bradford since 2013. My main research areas are dermal and transdermal drug delivery, liposomal formulations, and quantitative structure-skin permeation relationships. A number of research papers have been published in high impact journals in these areas.


Dermal and transdermal drug delivery Drug-biomembrane interactions by using liposomes as model membranes Quantitative structure-pharmacokinetics relationships of drugs Dermal and transdermal drug delivery Drug-biomembrane interactions by using liposomes as model membranes Quantitative structure-pharmacokinetics relationships of drugs Current Projects Mechanisms of drug interaction with biomembranes Transdermal and dermal drug delivery Current Projects Mechanisms of drug interaction with biomembranes Transdermal and dermal drug delivery