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Professor Thomas Gallagher,
Emeritus Professor

Information about Professor Thomas Gallagher at the University of Bradford.

School of Social Sciences
(Faculty of Mgmt, Law & Social Sciences)


Tom Gallagher is a political scientist (resident in Cumbria) who obtained a Ph.D from the University of Manchester in 1978 and taught and researched in the Department of Peace Studies from 1980 until 2011.His main interests have been post-communist politics in Eastern Europe, territorial politics in the British Isles, and the impact of multiculturalism and European integration on 21st century British politics and society. His current research focuses on what the mobilisations around Brexit may reveal about longer-term aspects of British political culture as well as fractures in democratic politics across much of the West. Single-Authored Books The Dictator Who Refused to Die: Salazar of Portugal,London: Hurst & Co, 2020.Scotland Now: A Warning to the World, Edinburgh, Scotview Publications, 2015.Europe's Path to Crisis: Disintegration via Monetary Union, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2014.The Illusion of Freedom: Scotland Under Nationalism, London: Hurst & Co, 2009.Theft of a Nation: Romania Since Communism, London: Hurst & Co, 2005 The Balkans in the New Millennium, London: Routledge 2005. The Balkans Since The Cold War: From Tyranny to Tragedy, London: Routledge 2003. Outcast Europe: The Balkans From The Ottomans To Milosević , 1789-1989, London: Routledge 2001. . Romania After Ceausescu: the politics of intolerance, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1995. Glasgow The Uneasy Peace: Religious Tension In Modern Scotland, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987.