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Dr. Ray Samuriwo

Information about Dr. Ray Samuriwo at the University of Bradford.

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I am interested in patient safety and decision making. My work focuses on the complex interplay between evidence, values and virtues that underpin different aspects of health and social care. The nexus of my work is on developing, testing, and refining theory on values to underpin research, education and policy which enhances patient safety in health and social care writ large. My original contributions to values in health and social care have advanced international thinking in relation to end of life care, healthcare professional education and wound healing. My specific expertise lies utilising evidence synthesis methods, as well as concepts and evidence from the humanities and social sciences to generate or improve the theories that underpin health and social care related research, education, and practice. My work in patient safety and decision making is expressed at the unique intersection of end-of-life care, healthcare professional education, and wound healing. Therefore, my repute for excellence is predicated on my specific expertise and scholarly contribution in relation to the values as expressed in relation these three domains of health and social care. My approach to teaching is predicated on philosophy and theology specifically the notion that education is integral to the formation of erudite proficient virtuous people who uphold the highest standards of professional practice and integrity, which is reflected in my scholarly outputs. I believe that effective learning takes place in an environment where students and educators collectively develop a dialogical theory of praxis as a community of practice. Therefore, I seek to work collaboratively with students in a dialogical partnership to develop a shared culture of meaning where they can develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to consistently deliver safe, just, and equitable healthcare.


There are 24 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Ray Samuriwo.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Ray Samuriwo has 24 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Wounds in mental health care: The archetype of a ‘wicked problem of many hands’ that needs to be addressed? 2020 International Journal of Mental Health 49 81 - 96 Samuriwo R.;Hannigan B. 0020-7411 10.1080/00207411.2019.1706702
“I didn’t realise they had such a key role.” Impact of medical education curriculum change on medical student interactions with nurses: a qualitative exploratory study of student perceptions 2020 Advances in Health Sciences Education 25 75 - 93 Samuriwo R.;Laws E.;Webb K.;Bullock A. 1382-4996 10.1007/s10459-019-09906-4
Nurses' decision-making about cancer patients' end-of-life skin care in Wales: an exploratory mixed-method vignette study protocol. 2020 BMJ Open 10 Samuriwo R;Lovell-Smith C;Anstey S;Job C;Hopkinson J; 2044-6055 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034938
Antibiotic stewardship: the case for decision making research." 2018 Journal of wound care 27 Samuriwo, R. and S. Maddocks
Medical education and patient safety: time to look beyond gendered attributes? 2018 Medical Education 52 Samuriwo R;Patel Y;Webb K;Bullock A; 1365-2923 10.1111/medu.13608
'Man up': Medical students' perceptions of gender and learning in clinical practice: A qualitative study. 2020 Medical Education 54 Samuriwo R;Patel Y;Webb K;Bullock A; 1365-2923 10.1111/medu.13959
Improving skin care through data: a pitch for patient safety incident reporting. 2016 Journal of wound care 25 Samuriwo R;Williams H;Cooper J;Carson-Stevens A; 0969-0700 10.12968/jowc.2016.25.12.691
Developing the tissue viability seating guidelines. 2018 Journal of tissue viability 27 Stephens M;Bartley C;Betteridge R;Samuriwo R; 0965-206X 10.1016/j.jtv.2017.09.006
Evaluating the impact of the Tissue Viability Seating guidelines. 2021 Journal of tissue viability 30 Stephens M;Bartley C;Samuriwo R;Stubbs N; 0965-206X 10.1016/j.jtv.2020.12.003
Wound curriculum for student nurses: – European Qualification Framework Level 4. Journal of Wound Management 2021 22 Lindahl, E., S. Holloway, P. Bobbink, L. Gryson, A. Pokorná, K. Ousey, R. Samuriwo and P. L. P. Hidalgo European Wound Management Association
'Nurses whisper.' Identities in nurses' patient safety narratives of nurse-trainee doctors' interactions. 2021 Medical Education 55 Samuriwo R;Bullock A;Webb K;Monrouxe LV; 1365-2923 10.1111/medu.14575
Emotional socialisation and burnout in medicine and the role of medical educators. 2019 Medical Education 53 Laws E;Samuriwo R;Webb K;Bullock A; 1365-2923 10.1111/medu.13787
Wound-care teams for preventing and treating pressure ulcers 2014 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014 Moore Z.E.H.;Webster J.;Samuriwo R. 1469-493X 10.1002/14651858.CD011011
Ceeing compassion in care: more than 'Six C'S'? 2016 Nursing Philosophy 17 Pattison S;Samuriwo R; 1466-769X 10.1111/nup.12110
The impact of nurses' values on the prevention of pressure ulcers. 2010 British Journal of Nursing 19 Samuriwo R; 0966-0461 10.12968/bjon.2010.19.Sup5.77702
Effects of education and experience on nurses' value of ulcer prevention. 2010 British Journal of Nursing 19 Samuriwo R; 0966-0461 10.12968/bjon.2010.19.Sup10.79689
Pressure ulcer prevention: the role of the multidisciplinary team. 2012 British Journal of Nursing 21 Samuriwo R; 0966-0461 10.12968/bjon.2012.21.Sup5.S4
Enhancing end-of-life skin care to prevent pressure ulcers in primary care. Journal of Community Nursing 33(3): 56-60. 2019 33 Samuriwo, R.
Wounds Research Network (WReN) – a community of practice for improving wound care-related trials. Journal of the European Wound Management Association 20(2): 39-42. 2019 20 Samuriwo, R.
Values, culture, narrative and medical education: The case for a renewed focus. 2021 Medical Education 55 Samuriwo R; 1365-2923 10.1111/medu.14569
Use of compression therapy to treat lower limb wounds across Europe: a scoping review protocol. 2020 BMJ Open 10 Samuriwo R;Christiansen N;Hopkins A; 2044-6055 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039008
Nurses' pressure ulcer related judgements and decisions in clinical practice: a systematic review. 2014 International Journal of Nursing Studies 51 Samuriwo R;Dowding D; 1873-491X 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.04.009
Primary Care Patient Safety (PISA) Research Group - Identifying priorities for pressure ulcer prevention in primary care." EWMA Journal 2016 16 Samuriwo, R., H. P. Evans, H. Williams, P. Rees, P. Hibbert, M. Makeham, A. Carson-Stevens and on behalf of the Primary Care Patient Safety (PISA) Research Group
Wounds and mental health care: system thinking 2019 Mental Health Review Journal 24 298 - 305 Samuriwo R.;Hannigan B. 1361-9322 10.1108/MHRJ-03-2019-0007