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Dr. Rachel Harding,
Seismic Mapping Research Associate

Information about Dr. Rachel Harding at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Rachel Harding


Rachel Harding has joined the Submerged Landscapes Centre in her role as Seismic Mapping Researcher, as part of the AHRC-funded UNPATH’d Waters project, Rachel will contribute to the “Lands Beneath the Sea” work package. This work package uses collections to build a simulation of now-lost landscapes under the North Sea where prehistoric peoples once lived. The goal is to better understand these landscapes before sea level rise. Using the outcomes of this research and the collections framework and exploration tools, the project will then reach out to three key sample audiences: cross-disciplinary researchers, visually impaired people, and those who live far from the sea and have little connection with it.Rachel will work on a basal surface for the simulation. This surface will be based on a synthesis of Holocene geomorphological features within the southern North Sea that have been identified and interpreted over the last 20 years by research projects carried out by the Submerged Landscape team at Bradford and more recently by wind farm developers.Rachel previously worked on the ERC-funded Europe’s Lost Frontiers Project at The University of Bradford. In that project, she interpreted a range of geophysical data from the Irish Sea and North Sea to aid in the reconstruction of Holocene landscapes and their subsequent marine inundation. Rachel has a PhD in geosciences from The University of Manchester.


Submerged landscapes, Doggerland, Sea Level, Mesolithic, North Sea, Seismic stratigraphy, Geophysics, Near-surface geophysics, Holocene, Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction


There are 5 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Rachel Harding. They are listed as:

  • book chapter (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (4)

Book Chapter

Dr. Rachel Harding has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Europe's Lost Frontiers Volume 1: Context & Methodologies 2022 Europe's Lost Frontiers Volume 1: Context & Methodologies Europe's Lost Frontiers Volume 1: Context & Methodologies Fitch, S., Gaffney., V., Harding, R., Walker, J., Bates, R., Bates, M., Fraser, A Archeopress

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Rachel Harding has 4 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Salt on the move: Multi stage evolution of salt diapirs in the Netherlands North Sea 2015 Marine and Petroleum Geology 61 39 - 55 Harding R.;Huuse M. 0264-8172 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.12.003
Targeting the Mesolithic: Multidisciplinary archaeological prospecting of the Brown Bank Area, southern North Sea 2020 Quaternary International Unknown Simon Fitch, Tine Missiaen, Merle Muru, Rachel Harding Andy Fraser, Maikel De Clercq, David Garcia Moreno, Wim Versteeg, Vince Gaffney Elsevier
Extensive marine-terminating ice sheets in Europe from 2.5 million years ago. 2018 Science Advances 4 Rea BR;Newton AMW;Lamb RM;Harding R;Bigg GR;Rose P;Spagnolo M;Huuse M;Cater JML;Archer S;Buckley F;Halliyeva M;Huuse J;Cornwell DG;Brocklehurst SH;Howell JA; 2375-2548 10.1126/sciadv.aar8327
The early quaternary north sea basin 2018 Journal of the Geological Society 175 275 - 290 Lamb R.;Harding R.;Huuse M.;Stewart M.;Brocklehurst S. 0016-7649 10.1144/jgs2017-057