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Becky Antich

Information about Becky Antich at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Miss Becky Antich


Becky joined the university in January 2021 as a lecturer on the BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy programme. Since then she has become joint placement lead for the programme and in July 2023 became assistant professor. Becky graduated from the University of Huddersfield in 2008. On graduating Becky started a band 5 rotation at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS working in many areas including children's therapy, inpatient mental health, orthopaedics and elderly rehabilitation. In 2016 Becky specialised in elderly rehabilitation, working in intermediate care for 2 years before moving to an exciting role within a developing service, enhanced reablement to bridge the gap between intermediate care services and reablement. Becky has recently completed an MSc in Health Wellbeing and Social Care, her dissertation project was titled: A qualitative review exploring informal carers views and experiences of using smart technology in caring for someone with dementia living at home.


There are 1 publications involving or that are attributed to Miss Becky Antich.

Other Journal

Becky Antich has 1 publication(s) listed under other journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
The effects of the pandemic on Practice Educator Training 2022 Antich, R., and Boyd, H. Royal College of Occupational Therapy Journal