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Professor Roger Adkins,
Professor (A, F & E)

Information about Professor Roger Adkins at the University of Bradford.

School of Management
(Faculty of Mgmt, Law & Social Sciences)
+44 1274 234403
Photo of Professor Roger Adkins


Roger joined the School of Management in 2011. Previously, he held an academic post at the Salford University Business School, following appointments in Tanzania at the Universities of Dar es Salaam and Mzumbe. He graduated with a PhD in Accounting and Finance at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.


My research applies analytical methods to cases of financial and economic decision making under uncertainty with purpose of deriving optimal prescriptions and valuations. Typical illustrations include investment opportunities and corporate behaviour in the presence of uncertainty, irreversible sunk costs and managerial flexibility. My previous research activity includes (i) extending the derivation of the threshold boundary for one-factor to two- and multi-factor models, (ii) analysis of replacement-style models under uncertainty, (iii) evaluating the timing for multi-stage investment projects with failure, (iv) determining the impact of policy (tax) uncertainty on investment behaviour, and (v) devising collars as a substitute for and complement to a traditional subsidy-taxation programmes. My five-year research strategy is not only the development of these 5 themes, but also the investigation on oil extraction strategies (new technology for depleted wells and the role of refurbishments), on the impact of taxation / subsidies on investment size and capacity as well as on corporate finance decision such as liquidity and cash and the formulation of structural estimation models. Investigation on the formation of optimal policy decisions for investment projects characterized by sequential commitments. Investigation on the optimal policies available for end-of-use oil wells that are near depletion: technology switching, refurbishment of abandonment. Analytical study on the impact of subsidies and taxes on investment size and timing. Analytical derivation of value and threshold boundary for multi-factor real-option style models. Professor D Paxson AMBS University of Manchester, UK