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Paula Sharratt

Information about Paula Sharratt at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Mrs Paula Sharratt


I joined the university as a full-time lecturer in 2020. Prior to this I had attended the university both as a student and as a visiting lecturer I am a Registered Nurse with a special interest in clinical research and infectious diseases. My clinical background is in both Acute Medicine and Clinical Research Delivery Prior to commencing my role at the University of Bradford I was Lead Research nurse for infectious diseases within a busy Acute Hospital Trust for many years, followed by a 3-year secondment to the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre where I undertook the role of Research Delivery Lead within the Senior Management Team. I have been fortunate within my career to have worked alongside a number of research organisations including global industry leaders and academic institutions at the forefront of clinical research and innovation. I completed an MSc qualification in Clinical Research Methods at the University of Leeds as part of the HEE/ NIHR clinical academic programme. I am currently studying for a post graduate qualification in higher education at Anglia Ruskin University and the Bradford Fellowship award scheme.