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Dr. Jade Morris,
Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Information about Dr. Jade Morris at the University of Bradford.

Faculty of Health Studies
Photo of Dr. Jade Morris


Jade is a Postdoc Research Fellow at the University of Bradford in the physical activity and healthy childhood within Faculty of Health Studies and Wolfson Centre for Applied Health Research. Jade’s primary research focus at the University is to lead a Sport England funded project to create a Physical Literacy Assessment Tool for education and community-based settings. Jade is the Secretariat for the International Society of Physical Activity and Health.Jade’s research experience within physical activity and health includes measurement, evaluating efficacy and effectiveness of (whole-school) physical activity interventions, often informed by behaviour change, conducting qualitative research (interviews, focus groups, write and draw, meta-syntheses), and translating research into practice in partnership with practitioners. She also has experience running comprehensive engagement programmes, and managing young person champions to work towards co-produced research objectives and dissemination plans.Jade completed her PhD at Leeds Beckett University in 2020, focused on acute bouts of physical activity and their immediate effect on cognition and academic performance on primary school children. Previously, she worked at King’s College London coordinating the REACH project which captures young person’s mental health considering social and environmental factors, and more recently exploring the impact of Covid-19. During this role, she managed and coordinated young person community champions working with the research team that provided insights on future research directions and supported in engaging the wider population on research findings.


physical activityschool-based physical activitycognitionacademic performanceadolescent mental healthwhole-school approachesphysically active learning

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. Jade Morris is as follows:


  • King's College London - Postdoc Research Associate in the year 2020 (specified as 07/12/2020)
  • Leeds Beckett University - Research Officer in the year 2019 (specified as 02/12/2019)


  • Leeds Metropolitan University - BA
  • Leeds Beckett University - MSc
  • Leeds Beckett University - PhD


There are 8 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Jade Morris.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Jade Morris has 8 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Implementing physically active learning: Future directions for research, policy, and practice. 2020 Journal of Sport and Health Science 9 Daly-Smith A;Quarmby T;Archbold VSJ;Routen AC;Morris JL;Gammon C;Bartholomew JB;Resaland GK;Llewellyn B;Allman R;Dorling H; 2213-2961 10.1016/j.jshs.2019.05.007
The effects of exercise at different temperatures on cognitive function: A systematic review 2021 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 54 Donnan K.;Williams E.L.;Morris J.L.;Stanger N. 1469-0292 10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.101908
Effects of Maths on the Move on Children’s Perspectives, Physical Activity, and Math Performance 2022 Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 7 Morris, J.L. Archbold, V.A., Bond, S. & Daly-Smith A. 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000191
Behaviours that prompt primary school teachers to adopt and implement physically active learning: a meta synthesis of qualitative evidence. 2021 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 18 Daly-Smith A;Morris JL;Norris E;Williams TL;Archbold V;Kallio J;Tammelin TH;Singh A;Mota J;von Seelen J;Pesce C;Salmon J;McKay H;Bartholomew J;Resaland GK; 1479-5868 10.1186/s12966-021-01221-9
Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Primary School Children: Inactive Lessons Are Dominated by Maths and English 2021 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 Daly-Smith, A; Hobbs, M; Morris, J.L: Defeyter, M.A; Resealand, G.K; McKenna, J MDPI
The Daily Mile™ initiative: Exploring physical activity and the acute effects on executive function and academic performance in primary school children 2019 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 45 Morris J.L.;Daly-Smith A.;Archbold V.;Wilkins E.;McKenna J. 1469-0292 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101583
Commentary on a recent article on the effects of the 'Daily Mile' on physical activity, fitness and body composition: addressing key limitations. 2019 BMC Medicine 17 Daly-Smith A;Morris JL;Hobbs M;McKenna J; 1741-7015 10.1186/s12916-019-1335-4
A Pedometer-Based Physically Active Learning Intervention: The Importance of Using Preintervention Physical Activity Categories to Assess Effectiveness. 2019 Pediatric Excercise Science 31 Morris JL;Daly-Smith A;Defeyter MA;McKenna J;Zwolinsky S;Lloyd S;Fothergill M;Graham PL; 1543-2920 10.1123/pes.2018-0128