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Dr. Irfan Saleem

Information about Dr. Irfan Saleem at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Irfan Saleem


Dr. Irfan Saleem is an Economist and currently working at the School of Management, University of Bradford. He has been a civil servant UK and worked for the Office for National Statistics. While working with Office for National Statistics, Irfan has worked on methodological developments to measure labor hours and labor productivity in the UK. He has recently completed the Asian Development Bank/CAREC Institute-funded project titled: COVID-19 Pandemic and Impact of Environmental Regulations on Pollutive Industrial Trade: CAREC vs. OECD regions: 2006-20. Dr Irfan has valuable industry experience. He has got extensive experience working with public and private sectors as a research economist in Pakistan as well as UK private group of companies as a business analyst/business development. His research interests are in the areas of international trade, industrial competitiveness, Greening Finance, and environmental policy.


International TradeEnvironmental PolicySustainable Development Industrial Competitiveness


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Irfan Saleem as follows:

Teaching highlights

· Business Economics · Econometrics · Quantitative Research: Accounting, and Finance Projects · Contemporary Issues in Economics · Trade and Environmental Policy

Teaching modules

Information about programme modules taught by Dr. Irfan Saleem.
Title Subject Module code Year
Accounting and Finance Project
Business Economics