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George Madine

Information about George Madine at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Mr George Madine


George Madine recently joined Bradford University as an Assistant Professor in Leadership and Management on a full-time basis. Prior to this, George had taught on many modules at Bradford University around Psychology of Work, leadership, and management for many years. He has a DBA from Bradford University. George also has an extensive industry experience, having set up half a dozen of his own businesses and been a director of half a dozen more organisations from both the private and public sector. He has also been a business consultant and in the many organizations that he worked, the work has been varied but the constant theme of leadership and management kept shining through. George is excited to be joining the School of Management as Assistant Professor in Leadership and Management. As well as the teaching element in the Assistant Professor in Leadership and Management role, George will also be involved in working with local organizations to give students a career enhancing opportunity to work as business consultants.


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Mr George Madine as follows:

Teaching modules

Information about programme modules taught by George Madine.
Title Subject Module code Year
Leadership For Transformational Change (Exec)
Principles of Marketing
Introduction to Understanding Organisations
Leading and Managing People
Leadership For Transformational Change (DL)
Consultancy Skills and Practice


There are 1 publications involving or that are attributed to Mr George Madine.

Other Publication

George Madine has 1 publication(s) listed under other publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Psychological Health in Companies. An investigation into the relationships between work characteristics, job roles and psychological health in companies. 2010 Madine, George