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Felicity Slocombe

Information about Felicity Slocombe at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Miss Felicity Slocombe


I joined the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies in January 2024 where I am a Lecturer in Dementia Studies. I am the Module Leader for Evidenced Based Dementia Practice.My background is in Communication and Media, and Social Psychology. I have recently completed my PhD thesis which is entitled “Understanding identity and representations in dementia: A conversation analytic and discursive analysis”. I am interested in many research topics around dementia. This includes detailed analysis of interactions between people living with dementia and their various conversation partners, using the approach of conversation analysis, and how dementia is represented in the media and how this can impact stigma of dementia. I am really excited to develop and widen my interests here at Bradford.


I am interested in how identity of people living with dementia is supported in interaction. My research uses conversation analysis to look at identity is managed interactionally between people living with dementia and others in their own homes and care homes. I am also interested in how people with different identities in relation to dementia interpret media representations of dementia, especially related to risk factors.


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Miss Felicity Slocombe as follows:

Teaching interests

I am the Module Leader for 'Evidence-based Dementia Practice'.

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Miss Felicity Slocombe is as follows:


  • Loughborough University - MSc
  • Loughborough University - BSc


There are 2 publications involving or that are attributed to Miss Felicity Slocombe.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Felicity Slocombe has 2 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
The role of parent-led and child-led home numeracy activities in early mathematical skills 2022 Cognitive Development 63 Trickett J, Batchelor S, Brittle B, Foulkes M, Pickering J, Gilmore C Elsevier
Keeping the conversation going: How progressivity is prioritised in co-remembering talk between couples impacted by dementia 2022 Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine Slocombe, F; Peel, E; Pilnick, A; Albert, S