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Dr. Danielle Jones,
Associate Professor

Information about Dr. Danielle Jones at the University of Bradford.

Centre for Applied Dementia Studies
(Faculty of Health Studies)
+44 1274 236469
Photo of Dr. Danielle Jones


Danielle is a medical sociologist and is an experienced dementia researcher, specialising in qualitative methodologies and Conversation Analysis. Danielle’s research includes exploring family communication when a person has dementia, and interaction between healthcare professional, people living with dementia and their companions. She is PI on the CoRD study, exploring how clinicans communicate dementia risk and Brain Health in diverse healthcare settings. Danielle is a member of the INTERDEM Dementia Prevention taskforce. She is also a member of International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA), and sits on the organising committee of the Qualitative Dementia Research Network (DemiQual).Danielle plays a leading role in the design, development and delivery of dementia education within the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies and within the wider Faculty of Health Studies at the University, having previously led on both the BSc Dementia Studies and MSc Advanced Dementia Studies programmes. She is the current programme lead for the Postgraduate Certificate for Practitioners with Advanced or Extended roles in Dementia. She has recently co-produced, with 22 people living with dementia, a new postgraduate dementia education called "Understanding the me in Dementia". This is the first module of its kind in existance, created from the very beginning by people with dementia. She is a member of the Higher Education Dementia Network (HEDN) and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


I am a qualitative researcher and conversation analyst, with expertise and a special interest in medical and social care communication involving people living with dementia. I am chief investigator on the 'Communicating the risk of dementia' (CoRD) project which explores how dementia risk is communicated to patients in both primary care and secondary care settings. The first output in the British Journal of General Practice, explored the role of GP's in dementia prevention. I am a member of the INTERDEM Dementia Prevention Taskforce. I am interested in Brain Health and dementia risk research, particularly exploring how risk is communicated in different settings and to different populations. I am involved in educational research, primarily exploring the impact of dementia education on allied health professionals preparedness to care for people with dementia. I recently led a study which examined the impact of dementia education on paramedic students knowledge, confidence and attitudes towards dementia. Current projects- Promoting Brain Health in clinical communication: Exploring if, when and how clinicians communicate the risk of dementia (CoRD). Role: PI. - Understanding interaction in problematic dementia and social care encounters. NIHR Research for Social Care. Role: Co-applicant, PI: Dr John Chatwin


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Danielle Jones as follows:

Teaching interests

Current RolesProgramme Lead: Postgraduate Certificate for Practitioners with Advanced or Extended Roles in Dementia Module Leader: Assessment and Diagnosis of DementiaModule Leader: Understanding the me in dementia, module on the MSc Advanced Dementia StudiesMSc Supervisor: MSc Advanced Dementia Studies final year dissertation supervisorPhD Supervisor: Amanda Briggs: Co-designing and evaluating simulation as an approach to deliveringdementia education for student nurses Overview: I take a leading role within the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies in relation to Dementia education. I have been involved in creating the curriculum for the new MSc Advanced Dementia studies programme (launched Sept 2019). As programme lead during the development of the curriculum I took oversight of curriculum design and delivery, undertaking University programme approval and quality assurance processes, taking leadership of the design of the curriculum and the development of innovative resources and content for its modules, which are delivered via distance learning. I was responsible for overseeing student attainment and monitoring as well as marketing, recruitment, admissions and induction. I was responsible for leading the development of, and delivering, the module Evidence Appraisal and Synthesis. I have more recently lead the development of a new postgraduate module, Understanding the me in dementia, which has been designed, created and is soon to be delivered by people living with dementia. This is a unique module where people living with dementia have co-produce the content from the beginning.I am the current programme lead for the Postgraduate Certificate for Practitioners with Advanced or Extended roles in dementia. This innovative postgraduate certificate is the first course of its kind in England. It is designed for practitioners from a variety of clinical backgrounds working in health care settings where diagnostic services and post-diagnostic support for people with dementia are provided. The programme aims to support learners to develop high-level skills in assessment, diagnosis, clinical management and ongoing support for people with dementia and their carers. I am also responsible for embedding dementia education with the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Bradford, leading on education within the BSc Paramedic Sciences programme. I also teach on the Clinical Sciences programme.

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. Danielle Jones is as follows:


  • University of York - Research Associate in the year 2012 (specified as 01/04/2012)
  • University of Bradford - Associate Professor in Dementia Studies in the year 2019 (specified as 30/09/2019)
  • University of Bradford - Lecturer in Dementia Studies in the year 2013 (specified as 08/07/2013)


  • University of Bradford - Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education and Practice
  • University of York - BA (Hons)
  • University of York - MA
  • University of York - PhD


There are 10 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Danielle Jones. They are listed as:

  • book chapter (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (9)

Book Chapter

Dr. Danielle Jones has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Pathways within dementia diagnosis: Conversation Analytical perspectives 2017 Life with Dementia: Relations, Responses and Agency in Everyday Life Life with Dementia: Relations, Responses and Agency in Everyday Life Plejert, C; Jones. D and Peel, E Palgrave Macmillan

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Danielle Jones has 9 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Towards diagnostic conversational profiles of patients presenting with dementia or functional memory disorders to memory clinics 2015 Patient Education and Counseling 98 Elsey, C.; Drew, P.; Jones, Danielle K.; Blackburn, D.; Wakefield, S.; Harkness, K.; Venneri, A.; Reuber, M.
The impact of dementia education on student paramedics preparedness to care, knowledge, confidence, and attitudes towards dementia: an analytic survey 2023 British Paramedic Journal Jones, D., Capstick, A., Faisal, M., Frankland, J British Paramedic Journal
When May calls Home: The opening moments of Family Telephone Conversations with an Alzheimer's Patient 2007 Feminism and Psychology 17 Kitzinger, C & Jones, D DOI: 10.1177/0959353507076550
Dementia Prevention and the General Practitioners’ role: a qualitative interview study 2023 British Journal of General Practice Jones, D., Drewery, R., Windle, K., Humphrey, S., De Paiva, A.,
Variation and interactional non-standardization in neuropsychological tests: The case of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination 2020 Qualitative Health Research 30 Jones, Danielle K.; Wilkinson, R.; Jackson, C.; Drew, P.
Well they had a couple of bats to be truthful: Well-prefaced, self-initiated repairs in managing relevant accuracy in interaction 2013 Journal of Pragmatics 47 Jackson, C and Jones, D
An interactional profile to assist the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative and functional memory disorders 2018 Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 32 Reuber, M.; Blackburn, D.; Elsey, C.; Wakefield, S.; Ardern, K.; Harkness, K.; Venneri, A.; Jones, Danielle K.; Shaw, C.; Drew, P.
A family living with Alzheimer’s disease: The communicative challenges 2015 DEMENTIA (PRINT) 14 Jones, Danielle K.
Conversational assessment in memory clinic encounters: interactional profiling for differentiating dementia from functional memory disorders 2016 Aging and Mental Health 20 Jones, Danielle K.; Drew, P.; Elsey, C.; Blackburn, D.; Wakefield, S.; Harkness, K.; Reuber, M.