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Daniel Kelleher

Information about Daniel Kelleher at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Mr Daniel Kelleher


ResearchDan works as a Research Assistant on the New Interventions for Independence in Dementia Study (NIDUS). Led by Professor Claudia Cooper at UCL, the project is being run in close partnership with the University of Bradford. The study aims to develop and test evidence based training and support programmes to help family (NIDUS-family) and paid home carers (NIDUS-professional) to provide high quality care to people living with dementia. These programmes have been co-developed with family carers, people living with dementia, home carers and health professionals.PhDDan is leading a process evaluation of the NIDUS professional intervention, as a part-time PhD student supervised by Dr Kathryn Lord and Professor Rebecca Randell. The primary aim of the PhD is to determine if and why the NIDUS-professional intervention works differently across different settings. This will aid interpretation of the NIDUS trial outcomes, help optimise the design of future interventions, and contribute to the evidence base concerning the implementation of dementia training within home care organisations.Previous experienceDan has an MA in Psychology from the University of Glasgow. Before joining the NIDUS team he worked as a Senior Research Assistant in the NHS, supporting the delivery of a variety of research projects. In addition to leading data collection and interviewing research participants, Dan is experienced in delivering novel psychosocial interventions to people living with dementia and their family members, having done so across multiple research programmes. He previously worked for Alzheimer Scotland, supporting people to live independently in the community, and facilitating memory cafes and activity groups. Further clinical experience comes from his time as an assistant psychologist within a Child and Adolescent Mental Health team.