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Dr. David Ansell

Information about Dr. David Ansell at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. David Ansell


I studied my PhD investigating "The role of hair follicles in wound repair" in the lab of Prof Mat Hardman at University of Manchester which I completed in 2012. Following this I spent 8 years as a postdoctoral researcher at Manchester, across the labs of Prof Hardman, Prof Ralf Paus group, then finally Prof Enrique Amaya. I set up my group in 2020 when I joined University of Bradford as Lecturer in Skin Science. My research interests span several topics but I have a main focus on understand how wound healing is altered under impaired conditions, which might lead to chronic wounds. I have a PhD student examining the role of skin ageing and changes to vasculature on tissue viability. I also have projects studying the effect of biofilms and infection on skin integrity and wound repair. I also have an interest in hair follicle biology.I have authored 20 journal papers, which have received 491 journal citations. My h index is 11.


I have research interests in a broad range of Skin Science topics. Current projects include ranging from wound healing, skin ageing, hair follicle biology and the skin microbiome.