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Clare Mason,
Assistant Professor

Information about Clare Mason at the University of Bradford.

Centre for Applied Dementia Studies
(Faculty of Health Studies)
+44 1274 236562
Photo of Mrs Clare Mason


I joined the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies in 2014 as a Dementia Care Trainer. I am also the Experts by Experience Lead in the Centre (Patient & Public Involvement), working with people living with dementia and their families who work with us in dementia training, research and eduction.I deliver all aspects of dementia care training to staff from dementia care homes, hospitals, hospices and other areas of the care workforce. I also work with Experts by Experience to create, review and deliver the content of our training.I also deliver training in two observational framework tools, Dementia Care Mapping and SOFI (Short Observational Framework for Inspection) and teach on modules within Faculty of Health Studies, such as Radiography, Physiotherapy and core skills.I am also a facilitator of the Faculty of Health Interprofessional Education days.Prior to joining the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies, I was Dementia Support Manager and UK Dementia Trainer for Alzheimer's Society, based in Bradford. There I managed the Dementia Advisor and Dementia Support Worker teams.I also lead the Pathways Young Onset Dementia support group as a volunteer.


Care Homes Young onset dementiaend of life/palliative care in dementiacommunication


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Mrs Clare Mason as follows:

Teaching interests

Dementia Care MappingPerson Centred Dementia CareRedefining Challenging Behaviour


There are 13 publications involving or that are attributed to Mrs Clare Mason. They are listed as:

  • book chapter (1)
  • conference contribution (3)
  • conference publication (1)
  • other journal (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (7)

Book Chapter

Clare Mason has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Language about people with dementia 2023 A Critical History of Dementia Studies A Critical History of Dementia Studies Mason, C., Andrews, M., Ferguson, R., Bingham, J., , Batchelor, A., King, G., Davies, T., Hayden, J., Mitchell, W., Routledge

Conference Contribution

Clare Mason has 3 publication(s) listed under conference contribution.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
The impact of Covid-19 on the dementia workforce: lessons for social care 2022 International Practitioner Health Summit 2022: The Wounded Healer International Practitioner Health Summit 2022: The Wounded Healer Andrea Capstick, Ana Barbosa, Justin Mazotta, Beulah Shadrache, Clare Mason Hybrid
Heroes work here!” – Photographic testimonies from staff working in care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic 2022 International Practitioner Health Summit 2022: The Wounded Healer International Practitioner Health Summit 2022: The Wounded Healer N/a Ana Barbosa, Annette Berdnt, Clare Mason, Giorgia Previdoli and Andrea Capstick London
Impact of a dementia training on staff competence and confidence to care 2020 Dementia UK Dementia UK 1 Barbosa, A., Mason, C., Collins, L. online

Conference Publication

Clare Mason has 1 publication(s) listed under conference publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Meaningful and productive involvement in dementia studies 2018 UK Dementia Congress UK Dementia Congress 1 Andrews M, Beresford-Dent J, Mason C

Other Journal

Clare Mason has 1 publication(s) listed under other journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Sense of competence and confidence of care home staff following a dementia training course 2021 Journal of Dementia Care Journal of Dementia Care Barbosa, A., Mason, C., Collins, L.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Clare Mason has 7 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Involvement in meetings and events Tips for good practice 2020 Journal of Dementia Care 28 Mason, C., Quinn, C., Andrews, M., Parveen, S., & Litherland, R.
Social care planning and provision for people with young onset dementia and their families: Protocol for the DYNAMIC study. 2024 PLoS ONE 19 Quinn C;Young H;Gridley K;Stamou V;Mason C;Oyebode J; 1932-6203 10.1371/journal.pone.0297747
Voices from the Frontline: Turning research on care homes and Covid-19 into theatre. 2023 Journal of Dementia Care 31 Capstick, A., Previdoli, G., Barbosa, A. and Mason, C.
‘Going through the Eye of the Storm’: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Long-Term Dementia Care Workforce 2022 Journal Of Long-Term Care 2022 173 - 182 Capstick A.;Previdoli G.;Barbosa A.;Mason C. 2516-9122 10.31389/jltc.127
Co-designing complex interventions with people living with dementia and their supporters. 2022 Dementia 21 Lord K;Kelleher D;Ogden M;Mason C;Rapaport P;Burton A;Leverton M;Downs M;Souris H;Jackson J;Lang I;Manthorpe J;Cooper C; 1741-2684 10.1177/14713012211042466
Journeying through Dementia Randomised Controlled Trial of a Psychosocial Intervention for People Living with Early Dementia: Embedded Qualitative Study with Participants, Carers and Interventionists 2021 Clinical interventions in aging 16 Sprange K, Beresford-Dent J, Mountain G, Thomas B, Wright J, Mason C, Cooper CL. PubMed
Journeying through Dementia Randomised Controlled Trial of a Psychosocial Intervention for People Living with Early Dementia: Embedded Qualitative Study with Participants, Carers and Interventionists 2020 Clinical interventions in aging 16 Sprange K, Beresford-Dent J, Mountain G, Thomas B, Wright J, Mason C, Cooper CL DovePress