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Dr. Bernard Atuahene

Information about Dr. Bernard Atuahene at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Bernard Atuahene


Bernard is an Assistant Professor in Construction Management and Engineering, and Programme Leader for the MSc Construction and Project Management at the University of Bradford. He received his PhD from the University of Newcastle, Australia and his MPhil and Bachelor (Hons) from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Bernard is an early career researcher with research interests and specialization in digital construction. His doctoral research explored the big data capabilities of construction firms - facilitating efficient management of data and leading to construction process improvements. He was part of a team that mapped BIM expertise for the Tasmanian construction industry, a research project funded by the Tasmanian Construction Industry Training Board in Australia. Bernard is part of the University of Bradford and the Qingdao University of Technology-China collaboration team awarded £40,000 in funding through the British Council UK-China Institutional Partnership Exploration Fund in 2023. The project will deliver "Engineering Sustainability and Diversity in Global Partnerships".Bernard believes the construction industry is at the stage where the nexus between digital construction and sustainability is strategically examined to build resilience infrastructure by integrating people, products and processes. His thought stems from the need for addressing issues from the 'holistic perspective' rather than using a silos approach.Bernard has research experience and publications (journals, conferences and book chapters) in digital construction, project delivery, infrastructure assessment, sustainability and organizational study in construction. Bernard teaches construction management modules at postgraduate and undergraduate levels and has teaching experience in Ghana, Australia, and the UK. He also gets invited and has presented on big data applications in construction at Continuous Professional Development (CPD) events organized by the Australian Institute of Architects in 2020 and 2021 and guest lectures to international universities.Bernard is available to supervise PhD candidates.


Data-driven led Construction , Digital Construction, Digital Capabilities and Competencies, Sustainability and Sustainable Digital Solutions


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Bernard Atuahene as follows:

Teaching modules

Information about programme modules taught by Dr. Bernard Atuahene.
Title Subject Module code Year
Sustainability in the Built Environment 2022
Management of Project Procurement and Construction Contracts
Sustainability in the Built Environment
Building Information Modelling
Construction Management
Project Management

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. Bernard Atuahene is as follows:


  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology - Teaching/Programme/Graduate Assistant in the year 2013 (specified as 30/08/2013)
  • University of Bradford - Lecturer in Construction Management and Engineering in the year 2022 (specified as 07/02/2022)
  • Swinburne University of Technology, Sydney/ Education Centre of Australia - Sessional Lecturer in Construction and Infrastructure Management in the year 2019 (specified as 10/12/2019)
  • The University of Newcastle - Sessional Academic in Construction Management in the year 2017 (specified as 24/07/2017)


  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology - Bachelor of Science
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology - Master of Philosophy
  • University of Newcastle, Australia - Doctor of Philosophy


There are 5 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Bernard Atuahene. They are listed as:

  • book chapter (1)
  • conference publication (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (3)

Book Chapter

Dr. Bernard Atuahene has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Chapter 7: Digital Capabilities in the Construction Industry 2023 Emerging Debates in the Construction Industry: The Developing Nations’ Perspective Emerging Debates in the Construction Industry: The Developing Nations’ Perspective Atuahene, BT; Kanjanabootra,S; Gajendran, T Ernest Kissi, Clinton Aigbavboa, Didibhuku Wellington Thwala 9781003340348 Taylor and Francis (Routledge)

Conference Publication

Dr. Bernard Atuahene has 1 publication(s) listed under conference publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Sustainability literacy evaluating instrument for construction professionals 2023 International SEEDS Conference 2023 (Sustainable Ecological Engineering and Design for Society) International SEEDS Conference 2023 (Sustainable Ecological Engineering and Design for Society) Hettiarachchi, T and Atuahene, B.T SEEDS

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Bernard Atuahene has 3 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Preliminary benefits of big data in the construction industry: a case study 2022 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law 175 67 - 77 Atuahene B.T.;Kanjanabootra S.;Gajendran T. 1751-4304 10.1680/jmapl.21.00027
Transformative role of big data through enabling capability recognition in construction 2023 Construction Management and Economics 41 Atuahene, BT; Kanjanabootra,S; Gajendran, T Taylor and Francis (Routledge)
Mapping the Barriers of Big Data Process in Construction: The Perspective of Construction Professionals 2023 Buildings Atuahene, BT; Kanjanabootra,S; Gajendran, T MDPI