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Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox,
Professor of Psychology

Information about Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox at the University of Bradford.

School of Social Sciences
(Faculty of Mgmt, Law & Social Sciences)
+44 1274 233514


Recent Publications:Waqas M, Iqbal S, Stewart-Knox B (2024) Food Expenditure and Mental Health: Outcomes from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey. PLOS One, 19(9): e0308987. M, Lesk V, Stewart-Knox B. Francis K (2024). Minding Some Animals but not Others: Strategic Attributions of Mental Capacities and Moral Worth to Animals Used for Food in Pescatarians, Vegetarians, and Omnivores. Appetite,107559. B, Davison J, Bunting BP (2024) Dietary factors and health-related quality of life in adolescents aged 11-16 years. BMC Public Health. Preprint. B, Poínhos R, Fischer ARH, Rankin A, Bunting BP, Frewer L, Oliveira BMPM (2024) Association between nutrition self-efficacy, health locus of control and food choice motives in consumers in nine European countries. Journal of Health Psychology, May 14: 13591053241249863. doi: 10.1177/13591053241249863. M, Lesk V, Stewart-Knox B. Francis K (2024) Don’t mind milk? The role of animal suffering, speciesism and guilt in the denial of mind and moral status of dairy cows. Food Quality and Preference, 114, 1–12. M, Lesk V, Stewart-Knox B. Francis K (2023) Feeling morally troubled about meat, dairy, egg and fish consumption: Dissonance reduction strategies among different dietary groups. Appetite, 190, 107024. J, Bunting BP, Stewart-Knox B (2023) The mediating effect of food choice upon associations between adolescent health related quality of life and physical activity, social media use and alcohol abstinence. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 21, 46. M, Lesk V, Stewart-Knox B. Francis K (2023) Moral emotions and justifying beliefs about meat, fish, dairy and egg consumption: A comparative study of dietary groups. Appetite, 186, 106544. A, Lesk V, Stewart-Knox B (2023) A survey of breastfeeding attitudes and health locus of control in the Nigerian population. Maternal and Child Health Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s10995-023-03638-z. G, Bryant EJ, Stewart-Knox BJ, Graffigna G (2023) Development and validation of the Psychological Food Involvement Scale (PFIS). Food Quality and Preference, 105, 104784.


Research Interests:(i) Consumer food choice including: sensory factors; food product development issues; personalised nutrition; and, attitudes toward infant feeding.(ii) Nutrient/food mediated psychological functions


There are 32 publications involving or that are attributed to Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox. They are listed as:

  • article (1)
  • book chapter (1)
  • conference publication (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (27)
  • reviews (2)


Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox has 1 publication(s) listed under article.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Food choice motives, attitude towards and intention to adopt personalised nutrition 2018 Public Health Nutrition 1 - 11 Rankin A.;Bunting B.;Poínhos R.;van der Lans I.;Fischer A.;Kuznesof S.;Almeida M.;Markovina J.;Frewer L.;Stewart-Knox B. 1368-9800 10.1017/S1368980018001234

Book Chapter

Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Personalised nutrition: Making it happen 2019 Stewart-Knox, Barbara

Conference Publication

Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox has 1 publication(s) listed under conference publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Promoting healthy dietary behaviour through personalised nutrition: Technology push or technology pull? 2015 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 74 171 - 176 Stewart-Knox B.;Rankin A.;Kuznesof S.;Poínhos R.;Vaz De Almeida M.;Fischer A.;Frewer L. 0029-6651 10.1017/S0029665114001529

Peer Reviewed Journal

Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox has 27 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Burnout, Eating Behaviour Traits and Dietary Patterns 2019 British Food Journal TBC Chui, Helena; Bryant, Eleanor; Sarabia, Carmen; Maskeen, Shames; Stewart-Knox, Barbara Emerald
Application of Behavior Change Techniques in a Personalized Nutrition Electronic Health Intervention Study: Protocol for the Web-Based Food4Me Randomized Controlled Trial 2018 Macready, A.L.; Fallaize, R.; Butler, L.T.; Ellis, J.A.; Kuznesof, S.; Frewer, L.J.; Celis-Morales, C.; Livingstone, K.M.; Araujo-Soares, V.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Mathers, J.C.; Lovegrove, J.A.
Is food insecurity associated with maternal health among UK ethnic groups? An exploration of women in the BiB cohort 2018 European Journal of Public Health 28 Power, M.S.; Small, Neil A.; Doherty, B.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Pickett, K.E.
Food choice motives, attitudes toward and intention to adopt personalised nutrition 2018 Rankin, A.; Bunting, B.P.; Poinhos, R.; van der Lans, I.A.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Frewer, L.J.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Perceptions and experiences of early-adopting registered dietitians in integrating nutrigenomics into practice 2018 Abrahams, Mariëtte; Frewer, L.J.; Bryant, Eleanor J.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Food insecurity and socio-demographic characteristics in two UK ethnic groups: an analysis of women in the Born in Bradford cohort 2017 Power, M.; Uphoff, E.P.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Small, Neil A.; Doherty, B.; Pickett, K.E.
Capturing health and eating status through a Nutritional Perception Screening Questionnaire (NPSQ9) in a randomised internet-based personalised nutrition intervention: the Food4Me study 2017 San-Cristobal, R.; Navas-Carretero, S.; Celis-Morales, C.; Livingstone, K.M.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Rankin, A.; Macready, A.L.; Fallaize, R.; O'Donovan, C.B.; Forster, H.; Woolhead, C.; Walsh, M.C.; Lambrinou, C.P.; Moschnis, G.; Manios, Y.; Jarosz, M.; Daniel, H.; Gibney, E.R.; Brennan, L.; Gundersen, T.E.; Drevon, C.A.; Gibney, M.J.; Marsaux, C.F.M.; Saris, W.H.M.; Lovegrove, J.A.; Frewer, L.J.; Mathers, J.C.; Martinez, J.A.
Public perceptions of personalised nutrition through the lens of Social Cognitive Theory 2017 Rankin, A.; Kuznesof, S.; Frewer, L.J.; Orr, K.; Davison, J.; de Almeida, M.D.V.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Factors determining the integration of nutritional genomics into clinical practice by registered dietitians 2017 Abrahams, Mariëtte; Frewer, L.J.; Bryant, Eleanor J.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Providing personalised nutrition: Consumers’ trust and preferences regarding sources of information, service providers and regulators, and communication channels 2017 Public health genomics 20 Poínhos, R.; Oliveira, B.; van der Lans, I.A.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Berezowska, A.; Kuznesof, S.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Frewer, L.J.; de Almeida, M.D.V.
"Bringing heaven down to earth”: The purpose and place of religion in UK food aid 2017 Power, M.; Small, Neil A.; Doherty, B.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Pickett, K.E.
Willingness to pay for personalised nutrition across Europe 2016 Fischer, A.R.H.; Berezowska, A.; van der Lans, I.A.; Ronteltap, A.; Rankin, A.; Kuznesof, S.; Poínhos, R.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Frewer, L.J.
Making personalised nutrition the easy choice: creating policies to break down the barriers and reap the benefits 2016 Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Markovina, Jerko; Rankin, A.; Bunting, B.P.; Kuznesof, S.; Fischer, A.R.H.; van der Lans, I.A.; Poinhos, R.; de Almeida, M.D.V.; Panzone, L.; Gibney, M.J.; Frewer, L.J.
Promoting healthy dietary behaviour through personalised nutrition: technology push or technology pull? 2015 Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Rankin, A.; Kuznesof, S.; Poinhos, R.; de Almeida, M.D.V.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Frewer, L.J.
The perceived impact of the National Health Service on personalised nutrition service delivery among the UK public 2015 Fallaize, R.; Macready, A.L.; Butler, L.T.; Ellis, J.A.; Berezowska, A.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Walsh, M.C.; Gallagher, C.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Kuznesof, S.; Frewer, L.J.; Gibney, M.J.; Lovegrove, J.A.
Caught in a ‘spiral’. Barriers to healthy eating and dietary health promotion needs from the perspective of unemployed young people and their service providers 2015 Davison, J.; Share, M.; Hennessy, M.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Food4Me study: Validity and reliability of Food Choice Questionnaire in 9 European countries 2015 Markovina, Jerko; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Rankin, A.; Gibney, M.J.; de Almeida, M.D.V.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Kuznesof, S.; Poinhos, R.; Panzone, L.; Frewer, L.J.
Promoting positive attitudes to breastfeeding: the development and evaluation of a theory-based intervention with school children involving a cluster randomised controlled trial 2015 Giles, M.; Millar, S.; Armour, C.; McClenahan, C.; Mallett, J.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Correlates of food choice in unemployed young people: The role of demographic factors, self-efficacy, food involvement, food poverty and physical activity. 2015 Davison, J.; Share, M.; Hennessy, M.; Bunting, B.P.; Markovina, Jerko; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Evaluation of a theory of planned behaviour-based breastfeeding intervention in Northern Irish schools using a randomized cluster design 2014 Giles, M.; McClenahan, C.; Armour, C.; Millar, S.; Rae, G.; Mallett, J.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Mood and cognition in healthy older European adults: the Zenith study 2014 Simpson, E.E.A.; Maylor, E.A.; McConville, C.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Meunier, N.; Andriollo-Sanchez, M.; Polito, A.; Intorre, F.; McCormack, J.M.; Coudray, C.
Psychological Determinants of Consumer Acceptance of Personalised Nutrition in 9 European Countries 2014 Poinhos, R.; van der Lans, I.A.; Rankin, A.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Bunting, B.P.; Kuznesof, S.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Frewer, L.J.
Factors influencing European consumer uptake of personalised nutrition. Results of a qualitative analysis 2013 Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Kuznesof, S.; Robinson, J.; Rankin, A.; Orr, K.; Duffy, M.; Poinhos, R.; de Almeida, M.D.V.; Macready, A.L.; Gallagher, C.; Berezowska, A.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Navas-Carretero, S.; Riemer, M.; Traczyk, I.; Gjelstad, I.M.F.; Mavrogianni, C.; Frewer, L.J.
Eating and stress at work: The need for public health promotion intervention and an opportunity for food product development? 2012 Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Predictors of taste acuity in healthy older Europeans 2012 Simpson, E.E.A.; Rae, G.; Parr, H.J.; O'Connor, J.M.; Bonham, M.; Polito, A.; Meunier, N.; Andriollo-Sanchez, M.; Intorre, F.; Coudray, C.; Strain, J.J.; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Supplemented zinc does not alter mood in healthy older European adults - a randomised placebo-controlled trial: the Zenith study 2011 Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Rae, G.; Simpson, E.E.A.; McConville, C.; O'Connor, J.M.; Polito, A.; Andriollo-Sanchez, M.; Coudray, C.; Strain, J.J.
Attitudes toward genetic testing and personalised nutrition in a representative sample of European consumers 2009 Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Bunting, B.P.; Gilpin, S.; Parr, H.J.; Pinhao, S.; Strain, J.J.; de Almeida, M.D.V.; Gibney, M.J.


Professor Barbara Stewart-Knox has 2 publication(s) listed under reviews.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Factors determining the integration of nutritional genomics into clinical practice by registered dietitians 2017 Trends in Food Science and Technology 59 139 - 147 Abrahams M.;Frewer L.;Bryant E.;Stewart-Knox B. 0924-2244 10.1016/j.tifs.2016.11.005
Eating and stress at work: The need for public health promotion intervention and an opportunity for food product developmentα 2014 Trends in Food Science and Technology 35 52 - 60 Stewart-Knox B. 0924-2244 10.1016/j.tifs.2013.10.010