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Alison Hartley

Information about Alison Hartley at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Mrs Alison Hartley


Alison is a registered Pharmacist and spent most of her clinical practice in community pharmacy settings, providing pharmacy services and running the businesses she worked in. She always chose to work in communities with high levels of deprivation, specialising in substance misuse and remains driven in all her work by the social injustice of health inequalities.Her academic career began with a spilt clinical/academic role in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Bradford before eventually making the move to a full time academic role as Programme Leader for the MPharm, leading the team through the introduction of Team Based Learning across the curriculum. Since then, Alison's role has expanded into curriculum development and has led the design, development and implementation of a range of new health and non-health related courses, facilitating cross-faculty working and relationship building with new placement providers. Alison currently works as Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Health Studies with responsibility for overall quality of the student experience and quality assurance of the academic portfolio. She also has strategic oversight of placement capacity expansion activity, apprenticeships, development of digital and simulated learning experiences, and embedding service user and carer involvement across all curricula. In chairing the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee, she has commissioned a number of cross-disciplinary quality enhancement projects to improve our staff and student experience. Alison is a member of the Faculty Leadership team and represents the Faculty on many University governance committees, including Senate, Learning and Teaching Committee and is involved in many University working groups.


Collaborative and active learningStudent-led peer learningUse of social networks to support student experience


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Mrs Alison Hartley as follows:

Teaching interests

Alison teaches across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes on topics including:Public HealthDeterminants of HealthHealth InequalitiesSubstance MisusePharmacological treatment of pain