Corporate Finance and Crowdfunding (Executive)

Module code: AFE7038-A

Module Aims       

To consolidate and develop students' knowledge of financial decision-making and to promote an understanding of how capital markets operate, how companies are valued and how markets shape the financial manager's operating context.

Outline Syllabus   

Overview of financial management: investment and financing decisions, shareholder value analysis, strategic investment, sustainability. Valuation of companies: quoted companies and the EMH. Unquoted companies: using P/E ratios and Net Asset Values and Discounted Cash Flow Approaches. Financial strategy: short-term and long-term finance, working capital management. Dividend Policy.  Do dividends matter? The information content of dividends. Using debt finance; short and long-term debt instruments. Measurement of gearing: impact on shareholder value and the required rate of return. The return required by shareholders. Dividend valuation model, return on investment.

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