CPES Postgraduate Study
Postgraduate Study
CPES offers a number of opportunities for students to engage in post-graduate studies. We welcome applications from students to undertake MPhil, PhD and MSc studies in the following areas:
- Pharmaceutical materials
- Drug delivery systems
- Novel process development
- Reactive extrusion
- Material characterisation
- Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
MSc in Pharmaceutical Technology
The interdisciplinary postgraduate MSc programme in Pharmaceutical Technology has been developed to meet the current and future requirements of the global pharmaceutical industry. This unique course will provide students with a wider exposure to and understanding of pharmaceutical technologies, delivery systems and process analytics.
For more information on this course and how to apply.
PhD Opportunities
How to apply
If you would like to undertake a MPhil or PhD research programme with The Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering Science please identify your area of interest by visiting the Pharmacy and Medical Science pages and viewing the current PhD programmes available under Medicines Development and Pharmaceutical Sciences (MDPS) pages.
For more information on PhD courses and how to apply.
Placement Scheme
We are also able to offer practical lab based training for Undergraduate and Graduate students looking to enhance their laboratory skills and techniques. Please contact us if you would like to undertake a placement at The Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering Science.