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University hosts workshops for Bradford Manufacturing Weeks


The University of Bradford is gearing up for Bradford Manufacturing Weeks.

Around 40 students will be visiting the University to take part in chemistry and engineering workshops as part of the district-wide celebration of the manufacturing industry.

The workshops, which will run on 15 October, are open to years 11 to 13 and will provide students with an opportunity to visit the different laboratories and workshops around the University as well as take part in experiments.

The engineering workshop will teach students how raw materials can be fitted and shaped together, whilst also including a visit to the Advanced Materials and Micro and Nanotechnology research centres, the chemical engineering laboratories, manufacturing workshops and concrete and civil engineering labs.

The chemistry workshop will focus on polymers and plastics and how to make the process more sustainable, as well as looking how a small pilot scale could be scaled up in a factory setting.

Professor Martin Priest, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics at the University of Bradford said: “We are looking forward to welcoming students on campus as part of the Bradford Manufacturing Weeks activities. It is so important that we educate young people on the possible career paths in manufacturing and in turn, support the growing need for more manufacturers in the region.”

Representatives from the University are also attending an event on 24 October designed to offer support and funding ideas for manufacturers in the region.

Launched by Bradford Chamber of Commerce and co-ordinated by career specialists Aspire iGen, Bradford Manufacturing Weeks (7 – 18 October) will bring manufacturers, schools, young people and parents together through tours, work experience, seminars, exhibitions and learning events held at manufacturer premises and key locations across the district.