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Talk explores the future of smart cities


The University of Bradford is hosting a public lecture looking at the opportunities, challenges & experiences of smart cities across the UK and Europe.

A Smart City is a city that uses technological solutions to improve the management and efficiency of the urban environment.

A panel of experts from public services, academia and private organisations taking part in the Smart Cities roll out will discuss opportunities offered by the use of smart technologies in public services delivery and the current and future challenges.

Smart Cities play an important role in finding innovative solutions for some of the most current challenges, for instance; better management of sustainable mobility, air quality, flooding and crowd management.

In particular, the panel will present experiences from taking part in the European Commission funded projects such as ’Smart Cities and Open Data REuse (SCORE)’ project

The talk takes place Wednesday, 30 October, 5.45 to 7pm at the University. On the panel will be Dr Dhaval Thakker, Senior Lecturer at the University of Bradford, Adrian Walker, T-Services Manager and Sydney Simpson, Flood risk and mapping Surveyor both from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. There will also be an industry representative who will be confirmed nearer the time.

Dr Dhaval Thakker said: “Many people will have heard the term ‘smart cities’ but will be unsure what it means or how it impacts on their everyday life. This talk will highlight the work already taking place in smart cities across the UK and Europe and the challenge and opportunities these cities create.”

The event is free but people are asked to book on following the Eventbrite link