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University of Bradford receives £31,500 to support mental health and wellbeing for postgraduate research students


The funding, which Bradford will match, has been awarded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and will support a project to improve support for the mental health and wellbeing of postgraduate research students.

The new funding will support a range of activities within the project:

  • To develop a healthy, thriving PGR community which will last beyond their time at Bradford, extending the Bradford ethos globally and in line with the University's aims to build sustainable communities.
  • To develop a sustainable Peer Support network for support within the PGR community with an emphasis on self-care and mental health awareness

This will support Bradford’s strategy of extending support services to a more comprehensive approach to student wellbeing, with greater emphasis on preventative, developmental and proactive initiatives, and the creation of self and peer support initiatives to develop resilience, self-care and a sense of community.

The project, called PGR Connect, is designed to be strategic and sustainable, and postgraduate research students will be involved to ensure that their priorities and needs are being met throughout.
