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Pupils experience University graduation ahead of their time


240 year seven pupils from Beckfoot School experienced a University graduation organised by the University of Bradford.

This is the ultimate reward for their participation in the Children’s University scheme, which is an international charity operating across the whole of the UK, Australia and Malaysia. The charity receives funding and endorsements from several Trustees and Foundations, such as the Esme Fairbairn Foundation.

The 240 Graduates have qualified for graduation after completing hours of extra-curricular activities. The Children’s University promotes engagement with extracurricular learning activities and rewards children for exploring new ways of learning.

The children received either bronze, silver or gold awards at the ceremony on Wednesday 20 June, depending on how many hours they have clocked up over the year. For example, children with a minimum of 30 hours receive a Bronze Under-Graduate Award, whilst a child who has completed hundreds of hours, will receive a Silver or Gold Fellowship degree.

The Graduation was held on campus with speeches, a reception with catering, presentations from some of the children and a formal procession where children receive their “degrees”. Family members attended along with head teachers, deputy heads and teaching staff, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Teaching and Quality) Professor Bradshaw, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor McCarthy, and senior Academics.

Professor Gwendolen Bradshaw, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Learning, Teaching and Quality) at the University, said: “This was a brilliant event for the students and their families and a real opportunity to celebrate how much they have achieved over the last year.”

Recruitment and Outreach officer at the University, Thomas Whitford-Bartle added: “Considering we had 240 students graduating this was an incredible event to host here at the University of Bradford, the University is committed to supporting the progression of young people across our great city and rewarding them for engaging positively with their learning opportunities across their communities, the city of Bradford and activities in school.

“Several of our pupils graduated with 100’s of collected hours, which is fantastic. This achievement along with the others represents great progress, determination, and most importantly, a love for learning.

“The event was a fantastic feel good celebration which celebrated the positive impact of learning activities outside of normal school hours.”

The activities are designed to raise aspiration, self-esteem & confidence, encourage curiosity and a love of learning, enhance motivation and build resilience, introduce new life experiences and offer progression in learning and personal skills development.

The Children's University (CU) Trust is a charitable trust, which focuses upon 7-14 year olds (and 5 to 6 year olds with their families) with exciting and innovative learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours.