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New diagnostic technique picks up the S in vision


A new technique that could help improve diagnosis of vision disorders has been successfully tested at Bradford

The researchers showed the technique can isolate responses from the different retinal cells that we use to see, including those that are most vulnerable to damage and disease, known as S-cone photoreceptors.

Diseases that affect S-cones include Types 1 and 2 diabetes, glaucoma and high blood pressure and some rare genetic disorders, such as enhanced S-cone syndrome and blue cone monochromatism.

S-cone photoreceptors respond to light of short wavelengths and help us see the blue part of the colour spectrum. However, it is difficult to test their function independently of the other types of photoreceptor in the eye: L-cone (long wavelength covering the red spectrum), M-cone (medium wave-length covering the yellow and green spectrum) and rod photoreceptors, that help us see when light levels are low.

Study lead, Dr Declan McKeefry, from the University of Bradford’s School of Optometry conducts clinical diagnostics of vision disorders for the NHS. He says:

“Diagnosis of some eye diseases can be difficult as they have similar symptoms, such as blurred or distorted vision and inability to see colour, and often a variety of genetic causes. Understanding exactly which cells are affected in the eye can be the key piece of the jigsaw that enables an accurate diagnosis, but until now, it’s been almost impossible to test the function of the S-cones separately.”
