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Lord Neuberger visits the School of Law


Lord Neuberger, the immediate past president of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom visited the School of Law at the University of Bradford on Monday 29 January 2018.

He hosted a student session and met with colleagues in the Law School. He was accompanied by Ammar Khan, a future trainee solicitor with CMS Nabarro Olswang. The purpose of the session was to encourage widening participation in the legal profession and inspire the young law students aspiring to a career in law.

As Lord Neuberger was the foremost Judicial official in the UK until recently. His visit will inspire our students, a significant number of whom are from backgrounds that are very much under-represented in the legal profession, and particularly in the judiciary.

Professor Engobo Emeseh, Head of the School of Law said “It was an honour to have Lord Neuberger visit the School of Law and his session with the students was truly inspirational. The School of Law is committed to inclusiveness and widening access to students from all backgrounds and this initiative by Lord Neuberger provides much needed spotlight on the paucity of women and minorities in the legal profession, especially in the higher echelons of the judiciary.”

At the end of the session Lord Neuberger took questions from the audience and our students asked a range of interesting and thought out questions. Current student Aneela Ahmed commented ‘“Lord Neuberger's visit revealed through questions asked by our students just how much disparity is still prevalent in terms of female QC's becoming judges. My peers and I now look forward to creating a group that champions women's access to becoming judge's.”

Current student Tristan Strudwick summarised the event ‘“The event was informative, and it was amazing to have someone of such legal pedigree giving his opinions on very divisive legal issues.”

The opportunity to hear Lord Neuberger speak was well received from our students, Aqib Zaman commented Lord Neuberger was “a legend … I feel inspired”