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Latest course receives accreditation


The School of Management's new MSc receives accreditation from CILT.

The School of Management’s new MSc in Logistics, Data Analytics and Supply Chain Management has received accreditation by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK).

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) in the UK is the membership organisation for professionals involved in the movement of goods and people and their associated supply chains.

In studying for the CILT accredited degree, students are taking a significant step in on the pathway to an exciting career within this business field and it offers them with a ‘fast track’ route to Assessed Membership of the CILT (UK).

The master’s programme is co-designed with inputs from leading logistics and supply chain professionals and focuses on the integration of data analytics techniques relating to this business field. The programme also uses SAS, one of the world’s leading industry standard data analytics software as part of this degree to train students

Dr Sankar Sivarajah, Course director and Head of Logistics, Supply Chain and Technology Research centre said “The accreditation and partnership with CILT (UK) is a significant step in providing our potential students the support of a career partner for their professional lives within this business field. “

The course, which is run at the University’s School of Management, is unique in offering data analytics using cutting edge software such as SAS. The accreditation of CILT reinforces the quality of the course and provides students with a professional network and more job opportunities in this field.