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British Council honours Bradford alumni


Two University of Bradford alumni have been honoured by the British Council for their contributions to strengthening ties between the UK and overseas.

Vashil Avinash Jasgray and Dr Abdallah Adlan were recipients of the Study UK Alumni Awards 2018 at awarding ceremonies in Mauritius and Saudi Arabia respectively. They were recognised for their outstanding achievements as business professionals and community leaders, and for their important contribution to strengthening collaborative ties between the UK, Mauritius and Saudi Arabia.

The prestigious international awards celebrate UK higher education and the achievements of UK alumni all over the world. Now in their fourth year, the awards received more than 1,700 applications from international UK alumni in a record 123 countries, representing more than 140 UK higher education institutions across the UK.

The Social Impact Award, which acknowledges alumni who have made exceptional contributions towards positive social change, was presented to Vashil Avinash Jasgray, who completed his Masters in Project Planning and Management at the University of Bradford. He demonstrated his commitment to community development in Mauritius both through his employment as Project Manager for Mauritius Council of Social Services and as an active member of numerous NGOs addressing key social issues in Mauritius. He is supporting local communities and NGOs to address issues including: drug abuse, poverty, inequality of people living with disabilities and youth empowerment.

In a ceremony in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, The Entrepreneurial Award, which highlights alumni who have played a leading role in business innovation, was presented to Dr Abdallah Adlan, who studied medical biosciences at the University of Bradford. Dr Abdallah is co-founder of King Abdullah International Medical Research Centre (KAIMRC) and one of the first Saudis to hold a PhD in Bioethics.

Vashil said: “The University of Bradford has been a life changing experience as it has broadened my network and enhanced my personality and my career. It actively promotes extra curricula activities and this make students more mature and have a hands on experience in their own field.”

The Alumni Awards were developed by the British Council and UK universities, and were launched by the British Council in September 2014. They are open to alumni currently residing in any country outside the UK, who have studied in the UK, at an officially recognised provider of UK university degree level study for a minimum of a term or semester, or who have been awarded a full UK degree level qualification (or higher), by a UK university, within the last 15 years.

Award winners and finalists are leaders in their fields who have used their experience of studying at a UK university to make a positive contribution to their communities, professions and countries. The Alumni Awards celebrate and showcase the impact and value of a UK higher education and raises the profile and reputation of UK alumni, their former universities, and the whole of UK education.