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Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship 2017 winners announced


We are delighted to announce that one of our students, Dawne Skinner, has been awarded a place on the prestigious Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship.

Dawne is studying the Innovation, Enterprise and Circular Economy Distance Learning MBA. She commented:

Being awarded the Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship is a dream come true. I look forward to engaging with, and learning from, the Circular Economy pioneers whose work I have been studying for the last two years as well as other Fellowship recipients and their mentors.

This year’s Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship generated a record amount of interest and after a careful shortlisting and interviewing process, 18 students were selected to join the programme.

The 2017 cohort consists of students and their academic mentors from 13 Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship Partner Universities, three from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Pioneer University programme, and two Wild Card winners - from the University of Innsbruck and Network University - University of California Davis.

Now in its fifth year, the Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship is the only circular economy fellowship programme in the world and is aimed at postgraduate students studying design, engineering and business. To be considered for the Fellowship, students were tasked with submitting a 90 second audio visual presentation which addresses two questions on the circular economy and is a critical opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their understanding.

The winning students and their mentors will participate in a week long summer school in London, an online learning programme, have the opportunity to develop their own Circular Economy Innovation Project and receive a cash bursary.

2017 Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship Students

  • Christelle Rohaut - University of California Berkeley
  • Anna Waldman-Brown - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ilaria Rossi - MIP Politecnico di Milano
  • Yubei Gong - Tongji University
  • David Perez Castillo - Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Alexander Choksi - London Business School
  • Daniel Moccia-Field - Yale University
  • Martin Dugas - KEDGE Business School
  • Thomas Wastling - Cranfield University
  • Deborah Sumter - Delft University of Technology
  • Georgia Parker - Imperial College London
  • Matteo Maccario - Royal College of Art
  • Palash Ghawde - National Institute of Design, India
  • Daniel Guzzo - University Sao Paulo
  • Eve Richer - Arizona State University
  • Dawne Skinner - University of Bradford
  • Anna Köhl - University of Innsbruck - 2017 Wild Card Winner
  • Natalie Popovich - University California Davis - 2017 Wild Card Winner

The year long international programme will officially begin in April 2017 with an online webinar programme.


For more information, please contact: Emily Scadgell, Education Communications Coordinator:

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Notes to editors:

The Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship, launched in 2013, is an international programme for postgraduate students and their academic mentors from design, engineering and business on the circular economy. The Fellowship is open to postgraduate students from a global network of fourteen Partner Universities including: Imperial College London, Cranfield University, London Business School and the Royal College of Art in the UK, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Yale University, University of California Berkeley and Stanford University in the United States, Kedge Business School, Delft University of Technology and MIP Politecnico di Milano in Continental Europe, Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico, Tongji University in China and India’s National Institute of Design. Every year we run a Wild Card competition to identify one or two exceptional students from any other university in the world to join the programme. The Fellowship is created by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation ( in partnership with the Schmidt Family Foundation ( For more information please visit

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was created in 2010 to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The Foundation works across five areas: insight and analysis, business and government, education and training, systemic initiatives, and communication. With its Knowledge Partners (Arup, IDEO, McKinsey & Co., and SYSTEMIQ), and supported by Core Philanthropic Funder (SUN), the Foundation works to quantify the economic opportunity of a more circular model and to develop approaches for capturing its value. The Foundation collaborates with its Global Partners (Cisco, Danone, Google, H&M, Intesa Sanpaolo, NIKE, Inc., Philips, Renault, Unilever), and its CE100 network (businesses, universities, emerging innovators, governments, cities and affiliate organisations), to build capacity, explore collaboration opportunities and to develop circular business initiatives. The Foundation has created global teaching, learning and training platforms on the circular economy, encompassing work with leading universities, schools and colleges, and online events such as the Disruptive Innovation Festival. By establishing platforms such as the New Plastics Economy initiative, the Foundation works to transform key material flows, applying a global, cross-sectoral, cross value chain approach that aims to effect systems change. The Foundation promotes the idea of a circular economy via research reports, case studies and books series, using multiple channels, web and social media platforms, including which provides a leading online source for circular economy news and insight.