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Occupational Therapy in a poem


Our first year students are visiting schools, colleges and other organisations to promote Occupational Therapy as part of Occupational Therapy Week 6-12 Nov 2017.

Student Cheryl Reid had a very unique method of conveying what Occupational Therapy is - she wrote a poem.

It is all about you
Your human rights, your independence
Your individuality and need for my attendance
It is all about you
I am here to empower, I am here to motivate
I am here to facilitate your goals, so let us begin and create
It is all about you
Your hobbies and interests perhaps sewing or dancing
The possibilities are endless, it is whatever you are fancying
It is all about you
Your values, beliefs, culture and opportunity
Not forgetting to mention inclusion in your community
It is all about you
Because you are the point
We are a team and our goal intentions are joint

Cheryl is studying BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy.

You can read more about the profession and Occupational Therapy Week 2017 on the Royal College of Occupational Therapists website.