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Graduates from 1977, eh?


"Graduates from 1977, eh?" said curator Andy with a grin as he welcomed us in. "I'll talk louder, then". Good thing he did. Time had done its share of ravaging since our fresher days, what with Lusia's back and everyone's knees, but we still had a great time hobbling around the Bradford campus with the remains of Arthur Williams, Steve Rainbird, Maggie Allison, Rob Williams, Owen Heathcote and Liz Childs-Clarke. Bits of Helen Copley and Carole Parker joined us on the Monday (18 September) evening : Carole all the way from the Isle of Wight. Thanks to Liz we had already had the pleasure of seeing Marc, Francoise, Barbara Waters, Kari Coleman, Tony Godfrey and Gail Chilman in London. Apologies were received from Gail, Peter Fawcett, Rafael Sala, Liz Arkell, Louise Cowcher, Kim Davis, Val White, Janet Pelly and Julie Godfray, and greetings arrived from a friend of several Mod Langers, colour chemist Rog Harvey in Michigan.

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